
1. 這名藝術家Chris Beetow的專長就是畫出有捕捉到動物真正性格的肖像。他會先請動物的主人形容給他聽他們的性格,接著就會把他們畫成有性格的漫畫人物。   2. Pinky誰都不喜歡。 廣告1   3. Winston永遠都在算計人。   4. Cody速度最快的小水手。 廣告2   5. Kida是一

April 5, 2016

1. 這名藝術家Chris Beetow的專長就是畫出有捕捉到動物真正性格的肖像。他會先請動物的主人形容給他聽他們的性格,接著就會把他們畫成有性格的漫畫人物。

Wisconsin native Chris Beetow, is an illustrator who specializes in pet portraits that capture the "inner pet" that only the owner truly knows. Her work has recently been featured in Dogster Magazine, and if you find yourself liking her portraits hit up on Facebook and arrange your very own pet portrait.


2. Pinky誰都不喜歡。

Pinky who doesn’t like anybody


3. Winston永遠都在算計人。

Winston is always plotting


4. Cody速度最快的小水手。

Cody, the fastest deckhand on the 7 seas


5. Kida是一個神經質的狗狗。

Kida was one in a million, utterly bonkers


6. Smithers是一個充滿好奇心,一直想要扭轉命運的聰明貓咪。

Smithers, trying to change his life and not be such a fradie cat


7. Luka是一個山裡的狼人。

Luka, the mountain werewolf man


8. Jack最愛保護所有人了!

Jack, he is the protector of all


9. Cheeto是最有趣的貓咪。

Cheeto, the most interesting cat in the world


10. Henry是一個無法控食慾的胖貓。

Henry, fails at all diets


11. Oliver地球上最懶得貓咪。

Oliver, the laziest cat on the planet


12. Crux,一天到晚都在闖禍。

Crux. He is always causing trouble


13. Bellah,超奸詐!

Bellah, the sneaky one


14. Gunner是一個超愛挖來挖去的狗狗!

Gunner is a pup who digs and digs and digs


15. Baby Man,根本就是黑道老大!

Baby Man, lives in Cali but his soul is all Bronx


16. Polly非常喜歡玩雪。

Polly loves playing in snow


17. Tony性格很酷,而Torque一天到晚都肚子餓。

Tony is Mr. Cool and Torque is always hungry


18. Linus最愛撿木頭。

Linus, all pro stick fetcher


19. King貓咪中的愛現王。

King, the most flamboyant of all cats


20. Chance性格超禪~

Chance is totally zen


21. Mr. Puddy很聰明,但永遠都肚子餓。

Mr. Puddy, sophisticated and forever hungry


22. Sammi,過分愛食物,而且永遠都髒髒的。

Sammi, food obsessed and always dirty


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分類:藝術, 世界, 動物
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