
1. 在第一次世界大戰中,一共有6千5百萬人參戰,其中有1千萬人不幸在戰火中身亡。   2. 在第一次世界大戰期間,戰爭超越傳染病,成為人們的第一大死因。當時將近有三分之二的人都是死於戰爭。 廣告1   3. 德國人建造的戰壕非常完善,有床、家具、櫥櫃、電燈,甚至還有門

March 26, 2016

1. 在第一次世界大戰中,一共有6千5百萬人參戰,其中有1千萬人不幸在戰火中身亡。

Around 65 million men fought in the war. Of those 65 million, 10 million died.


2. 在第一次世界大戰期間,戰爭超越傳染病,成為人們的第一大死因。當時將近有三分之二的人都是死於戰爭。

Nearly two thirds of deaths in the World War I era occurred in battle, making it the first major war to kill more people than disease.


3. 德國人建造的戰壕非常完善,有床、家具、櫥櫃、電燈,甚至還有門鈴。

German trenches were built to last. They included beds, furniture, cupboards, electric lights, and even doorbells.


4. 在一戰期間,多達30種毒氣被用來當作攻擊武器,不過戰爭後,許多國家同意且協定往後禁止使用毒氣作戰。

Approximately 30 different poisonous gases were used during WWI, but after the war, many countries signed treaties that outlawed their use in warfare from that point on.


5. 當時,法國是第一個使用毒氣(如催淚瓦斯手榴彈)作戰的國家。

France was the first country to use poisonous gases against an enemy. They used tear gas grenades to debilitate the opposition.


6. 有些美國軍人不滿政府當局猶豫不決的參戰態度,因此許多人都跑到加拿大參戰。

Some Americans disagreed with U.S.'s hesitation to enter the war, so many went to Canada to enlist and fight. 


7. 1914年,奧匈帝國皇位繼承人法蘭茲斐迪南大公,被塞爾維亞恐攻組織暗殺,成了第一次世界大戰的導火線。後來德國選擇戰在奧地利這方,而法國和俄羅斯選擇幫助塞爾維亞。 

A Serbian terrorist group shot and killed Franz Ferdinand, which started the devastating struggle. Germany sided with the Austro-Hungarians, while France and Russia sided with Serbia.


8. 由於第一次世界大戰使用了以往沒有的毒氣瓦斯、空戰和坦克,因此它又被稱為歐洲史上破壞性最強的戰爭。

The Great War brought in a new era of warfare as it introduced gases, air fighting, and tanks. Talk about a triple threat.


9. 一戰中,最長的壕溝通道長達4萬公里。

The trench network of WWI stretched roughly 25,000 miles.


10. 一戰中,各國大量使用芥子氣作戰(一種揮發的液態糜爛性化學武器),但由於這種武器太危險、太不穩定,因此二戰中不再有人使用。

Mustard gas was a widely used weapon in WWI, but due to its unpredictable nature, no one used it in WWII.


11. 當德國軍隊攻佔敵方城市時,會藉由殺害無辜的居民,以達到殺雞儆猴的作用,讓其他被俘的人民不敢反抗。

German troops shot and killed civilians during the war as a scare tactic so that people in occupied cities wouldn't rebel against troops.


12. 1917年,美國為了增加軍力,立下徵兵法案,最後有2百多萬人被徵召,1百多萬人自願從軍。不過後來這條法案隨著一戰的結束也失效了。

In order to bolster the U.S. Army's numbers, the government employed a draft in 1917. Approximately 2.7 million men were drafted, and 1.3 million volunteered.


13. 在一戰中,將近三分之一的人死於西班牙流感。

The Spanish Flu caused nearly one third of all deaths in WWI.


14. 美國在一戰中的軍事花費是300億美金。

The total cost of WWI for the U.S. was around $30 billion.


15. 一戰中,人們開始使用機關槍作戰,因為其強大連續的爆發力,又被稱為死神的鐮刀。

Machine guns were introduced to the masses during WWI.


16. 一戰結束後,有數百萬名士兵深受創傷後壓力症候群所苦。

Millions of soldiers suffered from a disease known as shell-shock. It is commonly known today as PTSD.


17. 第一次世界大戰是歷史記錄中,死傷人數最慘重的一次戰爭。

This war was the deadliest conflict in history.


18. 德國人非常善於破解軍事密碼,一直到後來,美國改用Choctaw Code Talkers,一種由印第安人喬克托族方言改良的密碼,他們才束手無策。

Germans were particularly skilled at intercepting and cracking Allied codes. That is until the Americans started using the Choctaw Code Talkers, who used a complex Native American language that the Germans couldn't decode.


19. 在一戰結束後,有四個帝國紛紛瓦解,分別是:鄂圖曼帝國、德意志帝國、俄羅斯帝國、奧匈帝國。

Four empires collapsed after WWI:  Ottoman, German, Russian, and Austro-Hungarian.


20. 聯合國的前身國際聯盟,便是在一戰結束後誕生的。

The League of Nations was created after it was all said and done, which was a precursor to the United Nations.


21. 一戰結束後,美國成為了世界上軍事力量最強大的國家。

WWI transformed the U.S. into the largest military power in the world.

來源:Viral Nova


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