
1. 大家對於迪士尼樂園的印象,通常都是笑聲不斷、充滿歡樂回憶的地方,但是接下來這一組照片可能會讓你改觀!   2. River Country是迪士尼第一座水上遊樂園,1976年於佛羅里達州奧蘭多市開幕。營業了29年後,迪士尼在2005年的時候宣布永久關閉。   目前奧蘭多市的另兩

March 21, 2016

1. 大家對於迪士尼樂園的印象,通常都是笑聲不斷、充滿歡樂回憶的地方,但是接下來這一組照片可能會讓你改觀!

River Country was Disney World's first water park. It opened in Orlando, Florida, in 1976 and officially closed its doors in 2005. #RIP.


2. River Country是迪士尼第一座水上遊樂園,1976年於佛羅里達州奧蘭多市開幕。營業了29年後,迪士尼在2005年的時候宣布永久關閉。

At its peak, River Country boasted four water slides, a sand-bottom lake, an white water rapids, and a tubing river.
目前奧蘭多市的另兩座水上樂園 Typhoon Lagoon和Blizzard Beach仍持續營業。 


3. 造景仿馬克吐溫時期的特色的River Country,在營運高峰的時候,園內有四座滑水道、一座人造湖和人造河,每年都有許多遊客前往度假。直到1980年,River Country發生了一件駭人事件,一名11歲的男孩在湖中嬉水時感染阿米巴蟲(俗稱食腦變形蟲)而死亡。

The park was not without its problems: In 1980, an 11-year-old died from a bacterial disease he picked up while swimming in the park's lake.


4. 不過11年後,也就是River Country成立的40周年,一名攝影師Seph Lawless取得入園攝影資格,以鏡頭帶領觀眾,一窺這座曾經繁華的世外桃源風貌。

River County was left to languish and deteriorate naturally for the last 11 years, and photographer  was able to gain access and shoot some creepy but mega compelling photos of the park's lost grandeur.


5. 從照片上可見,這座被世人遺棄11年的水上樂園,慢慢地回到大自然的樣態。

Next month marks the park's 40th anniversary, and Lawless wanted to chronicle the once great park's slow return to nature.


6. 這裡彷彿是一個自史前遺留下來的怪誕沼澤。

The images evoke an eerie, swampy, almost prehistoric vibe.


7. 攝影師Lawless表示,「進到園內後感覺好像經歷了一趟詭異的迪士尼冒險旅程,但這裡卻是如此超現實、美麗的。」

"Being inside the abandoned park felt like a creepy real-life Disney ride," Lawless told BuzzFeed of his visit to the abandoned park. "It was surreal and really beautiful."


8. 廢棄的滑水道模樣:




9. 而Lawless似乎對滑水道情有獨鍾:「它們被藤蔓、花木整個覆蓋住,這絕對是我這輩子拍攝過最美麗的東西之一。」

The waterslides were especially moving for Lawless. "They were completely covered in vines and flowers. I think it was just about the most beautiful thing I've ever witnessed on any project I've done."


10. 人造瀑布:

An faux waterfall stands empty now.


11. 荒廢的橋上還留著過去乘客的帽子。

Somebody left a top hat in the middle of one of the park's rope bridges.


12. 過去的泳池也成了水藻生態池。

The Upstream Plunge Pool is covered with algae now.


13. 不過,以前遊客跳水嬉戲的木造設施卻沒什麼改變。

And now the park's diving bridges and platforms are still.


14. 看著照片實在很難想像,過去這個地方曾經擠滿了上千名遊客。

It's hard to believe that at one time, this place was teeming with thousands of tourists.


15. Lawless 分享,「迪士尼樂園某方便象徵了美國的資本主義,所以有些人應該對這個逐漸沒落、回歸自然的世界很感興趣。」

"I think Disney World symbolizes an ugly side of capitalism in America, and I think because of that some people would enjoy seeing it crumble to the ground," Lawless told BuzzFeed.


16. Lawless 分享,「所以與其看到這裡沒落,我更希望人們看見它的美。」

"I think that's why I want people to see the beauty in these images above all else."



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分類:藝術, 世界
加入粉絲團! 迪士尼水上樂園應該是個很歡樂的地方,但這座已荒廢11年的詭異史前叢林園地讓人都不敢靠近…留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友