
1. 靠一己之力挖出洞穴感覺只有在卡通裡才會成真,但這位哥斯大黎加的曼紐 (Manuel Barrantes)不但真的挖出了63英尺 (約19公尺) 深洞穴,還舉家搬進去住!   2. 曼紐因為想要遠離塵囂,他花了12年在城郊的自家土地上,單靠著鏟子挖穿了紅土跟火山岩,建造屬於自己理想的

March 23, 2016

1. 靠一己之力挖出洞穴感覺只有在卡通裡才會成真,但這位哥斯大黎加的曼紐 (Manuel Barrantes)不但真的挖出了63英尺 (約19公尺) 深洞穴,還舉家搬進去住!

Man on a mission: Barrantes started digging through red soil and volcanic rock on his farm 12 years ago to build his subterranean house


2. 曼紐因為想要遠離塵囂,他花了12年在城郊的自家土地上,單靠著鏟子挖穿了紅土跟火山岩,建造屬於自己理想的地下宮殿。

A man in Costa Rica has dedicated 12 years of his life to create a vast house 63 feet underground, containing a treasure trove of creative wall art in tunnels that stretch for thousands of feet


3. 裡面大約為2000平方英尺 (約185平方公尺),裡面相當寬敞,家中6個人都同時在客廳也還是有很多空間~

Members of the Barrantes family sit together in one of the underground rooms in San Isidro de Perez Zeledon


4. 曼紐年輕時也曾到各國旅行,裡面有一角貼滿了許多他旅行回來珍藏的寶藏,包括相片、紀念錢幣跟CD。

Treasured possessions: Barrantes points to some of his memorabilia, which includes photographs, money and CDs


5. 曼紐妻子Lidieth 跟女兒走在家中的模樣。曼紐表示住在洞穴給他們一種舒適又安心的感覺,同時也能遠離塵囂。

Lidieth Barrantes and her daughter walk through one of their house's hallways, which is brought to life by a painting of a woman and baby


6. 洞穴裡有三間房間、一個客廳、冥想間,屋內靠著植物跟打光看起來生氣蓬勃。

Manuel Barrantes shaves in his subterranean bathroom, which now covers about 2,000 square feet


7. 洞裡也有不少他們自己創作的可愛壁畫。(是摩登原始人!)

Colourful characters from the cartoon The Flintstones are painted in one of the cave's hallway


8. 裡面也有許多原始藝術的圖案。

One of the most eerie creations is a skeleton that has been painted on the wall in the Costa Rican lair


9. 曼紐為自己的地下城堡取名為「Topolandia」,因為這個洞穴引起了許多人注意,曼紐決定開放部分空間給人參觀。

螢幕快照 2016-03-22 下午10.47.14



Barrantes says the dwelling provides a peaceful and comfortable home for him and his family away from noise pollution and the effects of climate change


11. 他仍然繼續在擴充自己的家園,希望在未來建造一個地下網路。

Manuel Barrantes digs underground as he continues to expand his house. He alleges to have made the whole underground network using just a pick and shovel 


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