
因為這篇裡面就有30個你必須要走訪的人間仙境,如果不多點時間的話怎麼有辦法把人生做好做滿?所以說,別再一直追時髦、追最新的愛瘋,多存錢吧!多旅遊體驗世界才是滿足靈魂的不二法門! 1. 瑞士的蓊綠山景搭配湛藍天空完全是世外桃源! 廣告1   2. 印尼的克里穆圖火山

March 17, 2016


1. 瑞士的蓊綠山景搭配湛藍天空完全是世外桃源!

The view from this rooftop deck in Murren, Switzerland is unbeatable.


2. 印尼的克里穆圖火山湖,當地人相信這裡是逝去靈魂的安息之所。

The Lakes of Mount Kelimutu, Indonesia are absolutely stunning -- and are said to be where departed souls find rest.


3. 這座位於俄羅斯的橋墩看起來已經相當老舊不堪,直到現在當地人都還在使用哦!

This terrifying Russian bridge has a creepy view. Even creepier: The bridge is still in use.


4. 這顆位於南非的巨無霸鳳梨,其實是一座由玻璃纖維打造的博物館(17米高),遊客能登上它,眺望鳳梨田盛況!

The Big Pineapple in Bathurst, Eastern Cape is the biggest artificial pineapple in the world. It serves as a museum for the pineapple production industry in the region -- and has amazing views.



This would be one hell of a thing to see when you looked out your bedroom window, wouldn't it?


6. 夏威夷的銀河景致:

The Milky Way as viewed from Hawaii.


7. 澳洲綠意盎然的景色:

Here's the incredible view from one Australian front yard.



This is one, very specific type of nice view.


9. 奮進號太空梭的駕駛艙!

A view of space shuttle Endeavor's flight deck.


10. 愛爾蘭一處廢棄的採石場:

An old quarry in Tipperary County, Ireland, perfect for catching an amazing view.


11. 佛羅里達州的清澈河景,看得出來那些灰色石頭其實是海牛嗎?

Spotted: Manatees hanging out in Crystal River, Florida.


12. 俯瞰尼加拉瓜瀑布:

Chris Hadfield posted this view of Niagara Falls.


13. 中國長城:

An amazing view of the Great Wall of China.


14. 古蹟才是重點:

It's not every day you get to see something like this.


15. 純淨的挪威峽灣:

A stunning view of the fjords in Norway.


16. 西班牙古蹟:

A view from a doorway in Alicante, Spain.


17. 奪人眼目的絢麗孔雀羽衣:

A bird's eye view of a bird -- namely, a peacock -- somewhere in India.


18. 俯瞰夏威夷鑽石頭山(死火山)奇景:

A view of the Diamond Head crater in Hawaii.


19. 原來浪中長這樣!

Here's view of a surfer catching a wave -- we always wondered what it looked like in there.


20. 美國猶他州Sri Sri Radha Krishna神廟正在舉辦色彩節:

Some seriously cool sights at the Festival of Colors at Sri Sri Radha Krishna Temple.


21. 俯瞰紐約曼哈頓區:

A breathtaking aerial view of Manhattan, New York, taken from a helicopter with a fish-eye lens.


22. 邁阿密海灘:

The breakers on Miami Beach.


23. 從另個角度來看尼加拉瀑布,一樣壯觀震撼!

Another excellent view of Niagara Falls.


24. 美國加州盛產葡萄的索諾瑪谷(Sonoma Valley):

An incredible view from a home overlooking the Sonoma Valley.



Overlooking an incredible valley between the mountains.


26. 西班牙景致:

Making paella with a view in Spain.


27. 這真的是地球上的景致嗎?

It's hard to believe that a place like this is actually real.


28. 整齊一致的義大利海灘:

An aerial view of a beach in Italy.


29. 舊金山地標金門大橋向下眺望:

An incredible view from high on the Golden Gate Bridge.


30. 五光十色的杜拜市景:

And finally, a view of Dubai like you've never seen it before.



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