
1. 加州聖地牙哥的Vin De Syrah餐廳是個愛麗絲夢遊仙境主題的酒吧,最適合與約會以及與朋友同遊,而且他們甚至還有個隱藏式的入口喔!   2. 德國薩爾布魯根的「XXL餐廳」是能讓你體驗到什麼叫做男人的食物的餐廳。 廣告1   3. 你在找一個與眾不同但卻又低調的餐廳嗎?墨

March 13, 2016

1. 加州聖地牙哥的Vin De Syrah餐廳是個愛麗絲夢遊仙境主題的酒吧,最適合與約會以及與朋友同遊,而且他們甚至還有個隱藏式的入口喔!

Vin De Syrah in San Diego, California, is an Alice in Wonderland themed wine bar, perfect for a unique date night or a night out with your friends. The fun starts even before you enter — the establishment features a hidden front door!


2. 德國薩爾布魯根的「XXL餐廳」是能讓你體驗到什麼叫做男人的食物的餐廳。

Head to Take More XXL Restaurant Saarbrücken, Germany, if you want to do your own version of Man v. Food.


3. 你在找一個與眾不同但卻又低調的餐廳嗎?墨西哥這家座落於洞穴之內的Alux Playa del Carmen餐廳一定可以滿足你!

Looking for an unconventional dining experience that's a little more low key? Soak in the beauty of Alux Playa del Carmen in Mexico, a restaurant located in a cavern!


4. 忍者紐約餐廳以15世紀日本村落為主題,連服務生都相當有戲,喜歡日本文化以及日本美食的人一定不能錯過!

Ninja New York was designed like a 15th-century Japanese feudal village. If you're a fan of surprises and Japanese cuisine, this is the spot for you. As shown in this photo, servers dress and act the part.


5.《超時空博士 (Doctor Who)》的粉絲一定都會很喜歡位於紐約布魯克林區的這間The Way Station餐廳,這裡有劇中TARDIS (時光機兼太空飛行器) 的復刻品,連菜單都是經過主題式精心設計的!

Doctor Who Fans will delight in The Way Station in Brooklyn, New York, where you'l find a life sized replica of the TARDIS (which in true whovian fashion features a larger interior than you'd expect) and a themed cocktail menu.


6. 位於加拿大蒙特婁的O.Noir餐廳是以在「黑暗中用餐」為主題的餐廳。因為據說如果在黑暗中進食,其嗅覺和味覺就不會被視覺給影響,才能夠品嘗到食物最真實的味道。

O.Noir provides "Dine in the Dark" culinary experiences in Montreal and Toronto. It's just as it describes — you dine in complete darkness. If you're looking for a way to reconnect with someone (or maybe just with food), ditch the technological distractions and book a night at a restaurant like this.


#7. 嚕嚕米主題咖啡廳原本只有東京才有,但現在香港的分店也成為遊客們爭相朝聖的地標之一。可愛的咖啡廳中充滿嚕嚕米的超大型玩偶唷!

Moomin Cafe originally opened in Tokyo, but is now a popular tourist stop in Hong Kong, too. The adorable cafe features Tove Jansson's oversized stuffed characters that you can sit with while trying a fun variety of food and drinks based off of the stories.


8. 位於阿姆斯特丹的De Kas餐廳原本其實是個溫室,但是米其林主廚Gert Jan Hageman將它改造成了餐廳。溫室中栽培的香料與蔬菜都被用在餐廳的菜餚中,保證所有食材絕對新鮮! 

Amsterdam's De Kas was scheduled to be demolished back when it was a greenhouse in 2001, but Michelin star chef Gert Jan Hageman converted it into a restaurant. Vegetables and herbs are used in the menu offerings. If only we could eat this fresh every day!


9. 想試試看當間諜的感覺嗎?這個位於密爾瓦基的新開咖啡廳 Safe House (意指:安全藏身處) 一定可以滿足你的夢想。餐廳內設有許多秘密通道等待著你去發掘!

Intrigued by espionage? Visit the newly renovated Safe House in Milwaukee, now owned by The Marcus Corp. Originally inspired by the Cold War craze, this restaurant is filled with secret passageways to tickle your inner spy.


10. 喜歡萬聖節的都應該來這家位於澳洲墨爾本的Witches in Britches餐廳看看,你能在那邊看到各型各樣的吸血鬼、女巫、怪獸和殭屍!

Halloween lovers should make a stop at Witches in Britches, a theatre restaurant in Melbourne, Australia, where you can enjoy the company of vampires, witches, and monsters all night long.


11. 位於印度埃拉特的Red Sea Star海底景觀餐廳提供極致的海底用餐感受,它充滿想像力的裝潢設計絕對能讓你大開眼界,但是一邊吃魚又看著旁邊的魚游動可能會有點奇怪就是了。 

Red Sea Star Underwater Restaurant, Bar and Observatory in Eilat, India offers the ultimate underwater dining experiment. It's imaginatively designed, but you might find it strange to feast on seafood as fish swim around you.


12. 剛剛介紹過以萬聖節為主題的餐廳,現在要介紹這間位於佛羅里達州開普提瓦島以聖誕節為主題的 Bubble Room 餐廳。它30年代到40年代的復古裝潢風格會勾起很多人的懷舊心。

What's more fun and eclectic than a Christmas themed restaurant? Visit the Bubble Room on Captiva Island, Florida, for 1930s and 40s decor, bubble scouts decked out in crazy hats, and old school music.


13. 你一定聽過貓主題餐廳,但是你有聽過企鵝主題酒吧嗎?這個位於日本池袋的企鵝主題酒吧很適合在你下次想要喝點小酒的時候到訪! 

You've heard of cat cafes, but have you ever heard of a Penguin Bar? Stop in Ikebukuro the next time you're in Japan to see these little guys as you sip on some whiskey.


14. 這家位於布拉格的The Beer Spa餐廳非常受到情侶歡迎,你能一邊泡在木桶中,一邊用自己私人專用的龍頭享用啤酒,

Bathe in Barley and pull your own glasses of beer from a personal tap at The Beer Spa in Prague, a popular destination for couples.


15. 瑞士藝術家H.R. Giger 曾因電影《異形 (Alien)》中的特效獲得奧斯卡獎。由他親自設計的這家 Giger Bars 餐廳的細節自然也是不同反響。

Swiss artist H.R. Giger won an Academy Award as part of the special effects team for Alien and has since designed two Giger Bars in Switzerland, one in Chur and the other in Château St. Germain, Gruyère. The detail is out of this world!


16. 雖然說位於紐西蘭的Redwoods樹屋餐廳目前僅限私人聚會使用,但它位於10公尺高的美景然是世界上最適合到訪的場所之一。 

Although the Redwoods Treehouse in Auckland, New Zealand, is only available as a private venue, it previously operated as a full service restaurant. At 33 feet high and a view like that, it's one of the most magical places to hold your next special event!


17. 1474年建於義大利沃爾泰拉的Fortezza Medicea是其實是一座監獄,但這七年來也開始兼有餐廳的功能,而服務生就是監獄裡的受刑人。(所有刀具都是塑膠的) 這個重生計畫相當成功,而且受刑人也因此從料理中得到樂趣。 

Fortezza Medicea was built in 1474 in Volterra, Italy. It's a high-security prison for criminals who serve seven years or more and it houses a restaurant using some of those inmates as servers (the cutlery is plastic). So far, the project has been a success and some of the inmates have developed a passion for cooking.


18. 最近殭屍熱潮已經漸漸消退,但是喜歡殭屍的人一定不能錯過這家位於美國明尼蘇達州的Donny Dirk’s Zombie Den殭屍主題式餐廳。

The zombie craze may have died down a little bit, but it'll easily creep (or snowball) back into your life with a visit to Donny Dirk's Zombie Den in Minneapolis.


19. Dinner In The Sky 空中餐廳是個活動式的餐廳,他們會將餐桌椅懸掛在50公尺高空讓客人在裡面用餐。這個活動式餐廳從比利時發跡,後來漸漸推廣到其他國家與城市。

Dinner In The Sky is a mobile restaurant in which guests are hoisted and strapped into dining chairs 160 feet up in the air. The idea was first seen in Belgian and has since expanded in cities around the world in limited run periods.


20. 現在女僕餐廳已經隨處可見,但是位於東京豐島區的這家Wonder Parlour女僕餐廳的歐式風格裝潢、古典音樂和細心的服務還是讓它顯得特別獨樹一格。

There are dozens of maid cafes in Tokyo to choose from, but Wonder Parlour in Toshima features European classic decor, classical music, and of course, attentive service.

來源:Life Buzz


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分類:美食, 世界
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