
英國倫敦騎士橋(Knightsbridge)總是有錢人、上流人士的聚集地。有很多高檔跑車和名車在這邊穿梭,讓路人們都目不暇給。 廣告1 但現在,所有的高檔名車,可能都被這位俄羅斯女性的賓士(Mercedes)打敗了。她123萬台幣 (£25,000) 的賓士CLS 350並不是最貴的,但她將賓士改

September 23, 2014



但現在,所有的高檔名車,可能都被這位俄羅斯女性的賓士(Mercedes)打敗了。她123萬台幣 (£25,000) 的賓士CLS 350並不是最貴的,但她將賓士改造成不單單是賓士,而是鑲滿上百萬顆施華洛世奇(Swarovski)水晶的絕世閃亮名車。她花了99萬元,請人將車子全部貼滿水晶。

Daria Radionova,這位21歲的商學院學生說:「我對於成品很滿意,很期待開著車到處跑。只要我到哪,人們就會停下來看我的車子,有很多在走路或是在開車的人,都會盯著我的車,有時候我覺得他們會因此而撞車。」她也說,當她之後把車子賣掉的時候,會將所得捐給慈善。

With every last inch of the already luxurious car covered in crystals, the vehicle attracted the attention of onlookers who are used to the garish cars of Arab playboys 


這位俄羅斯女孩,就把車子停在萊文酒店(Levin Hotel)外頭,吸引眾人的目光。

The 21-year-old is thrilled with the outcome of the £20,000 custom job
Onlookers stopped to admire the vehicle which usually costs around £25,000. It is not known how much Miss Radionova spent on her bespoke treatment 



A man gently places his hand on the car to feel some of the thousands of Swarovski crystals that have been stuck on to its exterior by a bespoke team 



Blingtastic: No detail has been spared in the custom-job which is thought to have cost experts two months to complete. The car attracted attention in London this afternoon
The Mercedes CLS 350 is usually the trademark of company executives and luxury taxi services but has been given a blingtastic makeover by Miss Radionova 
Sparkling: Even the car's door handles have been included in the transformation which Russian-born Miss Radionova shared on her Instagram page 



Just in case: A small plastic bag of spare crystals rests on the passenger seat in case any of the one million crystals on its exterior falls off 
The dazzling car attracted more attention than any other that staff at The Levin Hotel had seen before including some of the more garish models driven by men 



As night fell the vehicle twinkled and sparkled as Miss Radionova drove home. The luxury jacket trader gave it the aptly named registration plate 'baiibyy' 
The 21-year-old poses on the bonnet of her car with a friend


在騎士橋,還有其他很多的名車,像這是一台400萬的賓士CLS 。

The garish cars are usually the domain of wealthy Arabs. This Mercedes CLS - starting price £82,000 - was parked on Chelsea's Sloane Street in August


991萬的法拉利(Ferrari)458 ,後方是1,486萬的藍寶堅尼(Lamborghini )Aventador。

A Qatari-owned £200,000 Ferrari 458 in front of a £300,000 Lamborghini Aventador. The cars attracted gangs of camera-wielding youths, dubbed the 'Carparazzi' in Knightsbridge this summer 
This £50,000-plus Ferrari 456 Italia has been given a spider wrap by its Qatari owner, who was keen to show it off on the streets of central London last month 


價值近5,000萬台幣的布加迪Veyron(Bugatti Veyron)。

A gold and black Saudi-owned Bugatti Veyron - which can sell for up to £1million - was parked in a street in Kensington in August causing many to stop and take photos
This heavily-modified gold Range Rover - estimated to be worth more than £150,000 - has attracted attention after its owner parked it outside the Wellesley hotel
A Bugatti Veyron Centenaire - one of the most expensive cars to be made in the world -d rives past admiring onlookers outside The Levin where Miss Radionova's car was spotted 

來源:Daily Mail



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