
凱莉 (Kerry Wright) 是一位藝術家,也是位有個2歲女兒的媽媽。某天她躺在床上休息時,突然想到可以幫女兒克蘿伊 (Chloe) 畫童書主題的房間。   因為她突然靈思泉湧,乾脆也不休息了,馬上跳起來畫! 廣告1     廣告2   凱莉說克蘿伊很喜歡假裝她在讀書,她會拿著上下顛

February 2, 2016

凱莉 (Kerry Wright) 是一位藝術家,也是位有個2歲女兒的媽媽。某天她躺在床上休息時,突然想到可以幫女兒克蘿伊 (Chloe) 畫童書主題的房間。

Artist Kerry Wright was lying in bed one day when she came up with an idea of a book-themed bedroom for her 2-year-old daughter Chloe. She had so many ideas that she couldn’t sleep, so the work began.



daughters book themed bedroom 2611 A mom creates a room fit for a storybook for her daughter (13 Photos)


daughters book themed bedroom 13  8801 A mom creates a room fit for a storybook for her daughter (13 Photos)


daughters book themed bedroom 20  8801 A mom creates a room fit for a storybook for her daughter (13 Photos)



Wright says that her daughter loves “thinking she can read books. She sits there with a book upside down and babbles to herself.”



She’s having some difficulties learning, so Wright hopes this room will help her discover things. There are over 90 books on the walls, and there are spaces for when Chloe grows up and finds her own favorite stories she wants to add.



daughters book themed bedroom 34  8801 A mom creates a room fit for a storybook for her daughter (13 Photos)


daughters book themed bedroom 841 A mom creates a room fit for a storybook for her daughter (13 Photos)



daughters book themed bedroom 871 A mom creates a room fit for a storybook for her daughter (13 Photos)


Wright wants Chloe to be able to point to a character and ask her who it is, in which case Wright will grab the book and read it to her.



daughters book themed bedroom 99 A mom creates a room fit for a storybook for her daughter (13 Photos)


daughters book themed bedroom 12  8801 A mom creates a room fit for a storybook for her daughter (13 Photos)


Obviously this is something that is entertaining for both kids and adults. If Chloe doesn’t like the room, can I have it?

Via BoredPanda



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分類:藝術, 世界
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