
1. 一對在內華達山脈帶狗散步的情侶發現一個被卡在地底的罐子。他們將罐子打開後發現了價值3.3億台幣 (1000萬美金) 的金子。   2. 佛羅里達洲有位建商將房子蓋在炸彈區,九年後那裡的住客都還會在他們的後院挖出炸彈。 廣告1   3. 某位女士在進行園林綠化工程時在地底發

January 21, 2016

1. 一對在內華達山脈帶狗散步的情侶發現一個被卡在地底的罐子。他們將罐子打開後發現了價值3.3億台幣 (1000萬美金) 的金子。

One Sierra Nevada couple was walking their dog in Gold Country when they noticed a decaying canister stuck in the ground. They opened it and found gold worth ten million dollars.


2. 佛羅里達洲有位建商將房子蓋在炸彈區,九年後那裡的住客都還會在他們的後院挖出炸彈。

In Orlando, Florida, one developer built new houses over a bombing range. This means that years later, homeowners are still finding bombs buried in their backyards.


3. 某位女士在進行園林綠化工程時在地底發現一個烤箱。

While doing a landscaping project, a women in the UK found an old stove that someone had buried.


4. 一位澳洲男子在擴大游泳池的時候發現有650年歷史的寶藏。包含200個戒指、胸針、皮扣。

An Austrian man was attempting to expand his pool when he found treasure estimated to be about 650 years old. It included 200 rings, brooches, belt buckles, and other fossilized items.


5. 一名捷克共和國的男子在自家花園埋水管時發現一塊從地底探出頭的金屬。後來發現是400年前的從附近偷來的教堂樓鐘。

A man in the Czech Republic was laying some pipe in his back garden when he noticed metal sticking out of the ground. After some excavation work, he unearthed two 400 year old church bells, previously stolen from nearby churches.


6. 一名伊利諾伊州的男子在自家花園中採集蔬菜,但他後來發現在地底發現一個包包,包包裡面裝著500萬台幣 (15萬美金) 的現金。

A man in Illinois was just picking vegetables in his garden when he noticed a nylon bag sticking out of the ground. He investigated further, then found $150k in cash stored in the bag.


7. 一位男子在挖泳池的時候發現了一顆使用過的加農砲彈。在研究過後發現,這顆砲彈的歷史可被追溯到1812年的新奧爾良戰役。

While digging a new fish pond, a man dug up a used cannon ball. A little bit of research showed him that the ball was used in the Battle of New Orleans, all the way back in 1812.Richard Seaman



A North Carolina farmer pulled a 65-carat emerald from a pit near rows of corn on his farm.C.R. “CAP” BEESLEY/ AP


9. 2014年時,一位男子在做園林綠化工程時發現了人骨。經過鑑定後發現這些骨頭來自1000年前的美洲原住民。

In 2014, a man was doing a landscaping project when he discovered what appeared to be human bones. After medical examination, they were determined to be from a Native American -- and they were over 1000 years old.Pinoy Culture


10. 三位法國建築工人在諾曼地做工時偷了三個金塊,據說價值高達3300萬台幣 (90萬歐元)。

Three French builders stole a treasure of gold bars and coins while working on a property in Normandy. It is said the treasure was worth about 900,000 euros.


11. 一位業餘歷史學者在英國的家鄉探索時發現了一個可追溯到西元前2500年的古代墓地。


12. 一位男子在挖游泳池時發現了人骨被分裝在13個小箱子裡,其歷史可被追溯到1700年。


13. 有人在水牛城的蔬菜園中挖出了一副上排假牙。


14. 默弗里斯伯勒之星是一顆34.25克拉的藍鑽石,其直徑有17mm,被John Pollock在阿肯色洲默弗里斯伯勒發現。這顆鑽石目前是由史以來被遊客發現的最大鑽石。發現當時1964年的估計價格為50萬台幣 (15000美金),但考慮到通貨膨脹後,換算成現代的價值約有320萬台幣 (9.5萬美金)。


15. 一對情侶在加州的自家後院發現輻射避難所。建造時間應是1961年,而且裡面還裝滿了東西!

A couple discovered a fallout shelter in their back garden in California. They learned that it was constructed in 1961 -- and it was still fully stocked.


16. 1997年時,這位正在修建圍籬的老先生挖出了一顆2億5千萬年前的恐龍化石。這位男子卻將化石藏了16年,直到2013年才將化石送去檢定。

In 1997, a 250 million year old pliosaur bone was discovered while  a man was building a fence in his garden. The man in question actually stored the bone in his shed for 16 years,  before finally getting it examined in 2013.


17. 2015年二月時,有人在以色列挖出估計是世界上最大量的中世紀金幣,約有2000個。其歷史可追溯到10或11世紀。

Feb, 2015, diggers in Israel stumbled on largest collection of medieval gold coins ever found. There were about 2,000 of them, and are said to come from the 10th and 11th centuries.
Ariel Schalit,The Associated Press


18. 2014年時,一位加拿大人在清理自家水溝時發現了一個裝著上膛的機關槍和手機的枕頭套。

In early 2014,  a Canadian was clearing the gap between his garage and fence line when he discovered a pillow case. Inside the pillow case was a fully loaded machine gun and a mobile phone. Clearly, someone in the past was trying to prepare themselves for the worst.shipscompass


19. 一位美國男子在將花園翻新時發現了一台1940年代的收銀機,同時找到了好幾顆汽車電池。

A man in the US was renovating his garden when he found a cash register from the 1940s. He also found  several car batteries, perhaps used to power the register during the war.zizzybaloobah


20. 1970年代末期,一個小男孩發現土裡有某個東西。當時挖掘出來的東西被大家認為沒什麼大不了。但是30年後,專家發現那其實是1600萬年前的鬚鯨亞目種化石!

In the late seventies, a boy discovered something sticking out of the ground. At the time, everyone thought it was insignificant, but 30 years later, experts identified it as the skull and jaw bones of a 16 million year old baleen whale.


21. 一位男子在紐約海德公園整理池塘時發現一塊不尋常的骨頭。鑑定過後,專家認為是化石。因此他們進行了大規模的挖掘,結果發現了高達90顆乳齒象骨。


22. Ken Sauve在建造圍籬時發現了一些骨頭。他原本覺得只是普通的動物骨頭,因此沒有放在心上。但是但在老婆的堅持下,送去鑑定的結果發現是1600年代的人骨。 

Ken Sauve discovered bones in the yard while trying to create holes deep enough for fence posts.  He assumed they were animal bones, and didn't think much of it. However, his wife insisted that they press the issue, and learned that the bones belonged to a skeleton since sometime in the 1600s.


23. 有人發現這個軍人的戒指,至今仍找不到原本的主人。

This army service ring was found -- but there's still no sign of it's owner.


24. 來自底特律的Eric和Andrew在流經自家後院的小河中建了一個小水壩。其中一人發現了一根疑似人骨的骨頭因此通報警察。但後來經過鑑定後發現其實是1萬3千年前的乳齒象骨。

Two boys named Eric and Andrew from Detroit, Michigan built a dam in the creek that flows through their backyard. One of them spotted a bone and, assuming it was human, alerted authorities. However, experts then authenticated the bone as a vertebrae from a mastodon some 13,000 years old.
fox news


25. 一名塞爾維亞男子在自家後院發現6顆隕石。

One Serbian man in Bosnia found not one meteorite in his yard, but six.


26. 一位探險家在自家後院發現這隻古老的手槍。

One explorer found this old gun (missing a trigger) hidden in his backyard.


27. 一名男子在自家後院發現這個被埋在土裡的小瑪莉歐。

One person found this little Mario figurine inexplicably buried in his backyard -- it's not a big deal, but it's still pretty amusing.


28. 考古學家們在巨石陣約1.6公里之外發現了歐洲最大的史前紀念碑。這些石頭有4.5公尺高,據說是因宗教目的而建造。

Under the ground a mile from Stonehenge, archaeologists found one of Europe's largest prehistoric monuments. The stones are 15 feet tall, and may have been used for religious rituals.


29. 一名女子在自家後院發現了非常罕見的1902年出產的硬幣。

One woman found a 1902 dollar, which are extraordinarily rare, in her backyard.

來源:Lifebuzz|the Chive


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