有人說跨年就是要喝到掛之類,但應該很少人真的跨年跨到變成一幅藝術作品吧!攝影師Joel Goodman前幾天在英國曼徹斯晚間新聞官網的跨年夜相簿上傳了這張照片,下面寫:「警察逮捕一名男子,路中間躺著另一名男子」。沒想到照片一貼出,立刻引來網友瘋狂惡搞,臥倒在路中間那名酒醉男子因此一夕爆紅。
So much going on this pic of New Year in Manchester by the Evening News. Like a beautiful painting. pic.twitter.com/szKKRM4U4i
— Roland Hughes (@hughesroland) January 1, 2016
modern renaissance art pic.twitter.com/jb9k5BAugh
— Elizabeth (@Elizigan) January 1, 2016
3. 有人發現這張圖居然完全符合「黃金比例」構圖!
@Elizigan @SwiftOnSecurity pic.twitter.com/KC3oppVSG7
— Jose Jacas (@josejacas) January 1, 2016
4. 有人把它變成一幅水彩畫了!真是意外適合耶。
@hughesroland @ajlanghorn I had a go at turning it into a watercolour with Waterlogue pic.twitter.com/MmbiZ0SsD3
— Ben Darlow (@kapowaz) January 1, 2016
5. 這張就算掛在羅浮宮也不會突兀吧?
@hughesroland @paul_tomkins pic.twitter.com/UIA91KB8ZJ
— The Wolf of Whatever (@mjlovatt_LFC) January 1, 2016
@Elizigan It’s the guy who has almost lost his trousers but miraculously saved his beer that moves me: pic.twitter.com/ojWuuCgzSB
— Roger McCarthy (@RF_McCarthy) January 1, 2016
7. 你不覺得他跌倒的姿勢簡直媲美米開朗基羅的名畫嗎?
@hughesroland pic.twitter.com/B80KQGVP0t
— NOTLR (@NOTLR) January 1, 2016