
1. 準備進入蜜蜂隧道的孩子。   2. 還有這個小女孩真的太慘了。 廣告1   3. 我們會永遠記得你跳遠的英姿!   4. 這一下摔得不輕。 廣告2   5. 她的眼睛即將準備要受苦了。   強烈的後座力啊!! 廣告3   6. 光是在旁邊看著都痛…   7. 這名跳水飛太高的男子吉凶未

November 29, 2015

1. 準備進入蜜蜂隧道的孩子。

This little girl, taken from us long before her time.


2. 還有這個小女孩真的太慘了。

Also this young girl. So tragic. So sad.


3. 我們會永遠記得你跳遠的英姿!

23 People Who Sadly Will Not Be Joining Us In 2016


4. 這一下摔得不輕。

23 People Who Sadly Will Not Be Joining Us In 2016


5. 她的眼睛即將準備要受苦了。

This lady. RIP.


6. 光是在旁邊看著都痛…

23 People Who Sadly Will Not Be Joining Us In 2016


7. 這名跳水飛太高的男子吉凶未卜。

This guy was really looking forward to 2016, but now he is sadly dead.


8. 真的不要以為自己身手很矯捷。

23 People Who Sadly Will Not Be Joining Us In 2016


9. 這對表演高難度動作的情侶… 我只能說希望他們買的保險夠多。

And this girl? Dead as fuck. Probably her boyfriend too.


10. 該從樓梯滾落的或許不是這個笑得開心的女孩,而是那雙腳的主人。

We'll be without this girl, who left us with a smile on her face.


11. 千萬別為了展現男子氣概害了別人一生。

23 People Who Sadly Will Not Be Joining Us In 2016


12. 不要放棄治療啊。

23 People Who Sadly Will Not Be Joining Us In 2016


13. 就算真的死於疊疊樂意外,至少還算滿特別的。

This girl, who died doing what she loved – playing giant Jenga alone in her garden.


14. 我的天哪,快叫救護車!!!!!

23 People Who Sadly Will Not Be Joining Us In 2016


15. 在廁所做運動真是個好主意不是嗎?

23 People Who Sadly Will Not Be Joining Us In 2016


16. 燃燒的女孩,我們會想念妳的。

We'll miss you, fire head girl.


17. 原本不需要坐輪椅也變成要坐輪椅了。

23 People Who Sadly Will Not Be Joining Us In 2016


18. 喔不,他的頭快被駱駝吃了。

This girl was close to making it. So close.


19. 就只差幾步而已。

23 People Who Sadly Will Not Be Joining Us In 2016


20. 沒有這名男子,人生一定會少了很多歡笑。

How are we supposed to go on without this guy?


21. 少了這位攝影師呢?

23 People Who Sadly Will Not Be Joining Us In 2016


22. 我們也會想念這位犯罪大師的。

23 People Who Sadly Will Not Be Joining Us In 2016


23. 全心祈禱他不是頭著地。

God bless you all.




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