
1. 「你為什麼不當醫生啊?當護士太可惜了啦!」   我為什麼不能當護士就好?   2. 「在受過嚴格訓練之後我們才能得到護士執照,不是只是申請就好。」 廣告1   3. 照顧病人不是簡單幫病人擦屁股而已。   4. 「護士不是像媽媽一樣照顧病人就可以了,我們要有能力以清楚的

November 10, 2015

1. 「你為什麼不當醫生啊?當護士太可惜了啦!」

23 Things People Always Get Completely Wrong About Nurses


2. 「在受過嚴格訓練之後我們才能得到護士執照,不是只是申請就好。」

23 Things People Always Get Completely Wrong About Nurses


3. 照顧病人不是簡單幫病人擦屁股而已。

Because nursing is not about wiping butts all day.


4. 「護士不是像媽媽一樣照顧病人就可以了,我們要有能力以清楚的思路救治病患」。

23 Things People Always Get Completely Wrong About Nurses


5. 「這就是為什麼當人們以為護士只是聽命於醫生的時候會讓我們覺得很煩,因為我們的工作不只是如此而已」。

Which is why it's annoying when people think you're always just following a doctor's orders.


6. 但也不能怪大家,因為電視影集跟電影上播的從來都不是護士真正的模樣。

But you'd never know that from TV and movies, which almost never portray nurses accurately.


7. 事實上醫生的診斷很多時候是依據護士的觀察來下的。

23 Things People Always Get Completely Wrong About Nurses


8. 很多時候護士是決定生與死的關鍵。

23 Things People Always Get Completely Wrong About Nurses


9. 護士是醫生、社工、呼吸治療師、藥師、抽血員、物理治療師、傳達員、X光技師、移植者、女傭人、照顧者的綜合體!

Nurses are actually more like a doctor-social worker-respiratory therapist-pharmacist-phlebotomist-physiotherapist-receptionist-X-ray technician-transporter-housekeeper-caregiver hybrid.


10. 「因為我們的工作繁忙跟複雜,所以我們不可能會穿著你心中幻想的細高跟鞋跟性感護士服」。

Which is probably why they're not actually wearing sexy nurse outfits over lingerie with stilettos on their feet.


11. 又加上大部分護士其實都是男的。

That might also be because a huge number of nurses are men.


12. 但不是男護士就是GAY。

23 Things People Always Get Completely Wrong About Nurses


13. 當護士說:「幫您簡單量個血壓。」的時候,她已經從中評估了許多病人現在的身體狀況。

23 Things People Always Get Completely Wrong About Nurses


14. 說護士只會包紮傷口對護士是相當不公平的,因為當醫生對病人了解不完全時,護士常常能夠挽救醫生所犯下的致命錯誤。

It doesn't help anyone to say that all nurses do is put on Band-Aids when they're actually catching potentially fatal mistakes made by doctors who don't know the patient as well.


15. 當人們指望家庭護士幫忙清理家裡或是海綿擦澡的時候,其實會影響到護士做她最主要的工作。

And when people assume a home health care nurse is there to give sponge baths and clean the house, it makes it harder for them to provide care.


16. 「說護士一個禮拜只要工作三天很幸運是因為沒有看見我們的工作有多耗廢精力以及輪班的辛苦。」

23 Things People Always Get Completely Wrong About Nurses


17. 會說「我給你開張支票」的病人是把護士誤當傭人在用了。

23 Things People Always Get Completely Wrong About Nurses


18. 護士不是你的私人藥頭,不能隨便給你開可待因酮 (OxyContin) :止痛藥的一種。

23 Things People Always Get Completely Wrong About Nurses


19. 如果你來到護士面前,說你對每一種藥都過敏除了止痛藥第勞第拖 (Dilaudid) ,那護士其實已經看穿你了。

So if you come in and say you're allergic to every drug except Dilaudid and that you needs lots and lots of Dilaudid, the nurse is onto you, buddy.


20. 當護士已經明顯知道答案的問題,你卻又問『你可以幫我問問醫生嗎?』其實是不尊重他們的專業。

23 Things People Always Get Completely Wrong About Nurses


21. 但其實護士都習慣這些誤解,而且也沒那麼在意。

But the great thing about nurses is that they don't actually care all that much about all these misconceptions.


22. 你知道什麼是護士最在意的嗎?救人命。

Because the thing they care more about than anything is saving your life.


23. 但是對這些評論,我們也有話要說:「我們每天花13個小時跟你相處,我們比醫生更了解你,我們知道你需要什麼樣的檢驗,所以當你的家人說:『我想跟醫生談』的時候,聽來有點傷人因為你們把醫生的話看得比我們的還重要。但我們了解,我們愛你,這也是為什麼是護士存在的原因。就算醫生講的是我們跟他談過的,就算你們不把我們當一回事。我們熱愛我們所做的,當你的家人說:『謝謝』時,那就是我們的全部。」

But for those of us who are annoyed on their behalves, we are just going to leave this here.




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