
暱稱「迪克」的理查‧普羅內克 (Richard “Dick” Proenneke) 一開始計畫在阿拉斯加荒野居住一年,但最後,他卻在那裡住了30年。 Aloneinthewilderness   在退休後,迪克搬到野外,原本只是想測試自己的生存能力,在一年中,他蓋了一間小木屋,靠著自己栽種、狩獵和採集得

September 15, 2015

暱稱「迪克」的理查‧普羅內克 (Richard “Dick” Proenneke) 一開始計畫在阿拉斯加荒野居住一年,但最後,他卻在那裡住了30年。




Starting with a plan to live for just one year alone in the Alaskan wilderness, Richard "Dick" Proenekke embarked on a journey that would last for almost thirty years. After retirement, Dick moved to the wilderness to test his hand at survival. After a year, he had built an entire cabin for himself and survived off of what he grew, hunted, and gathered. He returned home for a brief period to visit with family, but knew that his new home in the woods was where he belonged.  So, he gathered a few essentials before returning to his new home in the woods for close to thirty more years. A lot can be learned from Dick as he survived off of his own actions directly.


「8.5哩 (13公里) 的路,車子只要在公路上開幾分鐘就能抵達,但那個人能看到什麼?他獲得的時間,是犧牲了身體和心靈的益處換來的。」

“Eight and a half miles can be covered in minutes in a car on an expressway, but what does a man see? What he gains in time he loses in benefit to his body and mInd.” 
― Richard Proenneke






“I enjoy working for my heat. I don't just press a button or twist a thermostat dial. I use the big crosscut saw and the axe, and while I'm getting my heat supply I'm working up an appetite that makes simple food just as appealing as anything a French chef could create.” 
― Richard Proenneke



"If you don't need to eat, well don't kill it." , “I don't confuse my digestive system, I just season simple food with hunger” 
― Richard Proenneke



"Learn to use an axe, and respect it and you can't help but love it. But abuse one and it will wear your hands raw and open your foot like an overcooked sausage."
― Richard Proenneke 

Unfortunately Dick passed away from a stroke in 2003, but his legacy lives on through his films that are compilations of footage that he obtained through years of shooting with a wind-up film camera.  There are currently two documentaries produced with a third one hopefully on the way in the near future.  







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