
1. 毛小孩總是那麼堅持:我就是要咬著它上去!   2. 狗狗在發現我在房間之前與之後對照~ 廣告1   3. 求求你丟一下玩具…但你光是想拿,則必須先和毛小孩來一場拔河!   4. 我正在享用我的三明治,突然間…你們賊頭賊腦的樣子真是讓人又好氣又好笑! 廣告2  

September 11, 2015

1. 毛小孩總是那麼堅持:我就是要咬著它上去!



2. 狗狗在發現我在房間之前與之後對照~

if youve ever owned a dog you will understand this perfectly 640 high 27 If youve ever owned a dog, you can relate to these points perfectly (31 Photos)


3. 求求你丟一下玩具…但你光是想拿,則必須先和毛小孩來一場拔河!

if youve ever owned a dog you will understand this perfectly 640 39 If youve ever owned a dog, you can relate to these points perfectly (31 Photos)


4. 我正在享用我的三明治,突然間…你們賊頭賊腦的樣子真是讓人又好氣又好笑!

if youve ever owned a dog you will understand this perfectly 640 37 If youve ever owned a dog, you can relate to these points perfectly (31 Photos)


5. 在拉一條超大的大便時,總會直直地與主人互看:嘿嘿嘿,這條又大又臭,等下有你撿的!

if youve ever owned a dog you will understand this perfectly 640 24 If youve ever owned a dog, you can relate to these points perfectly (31 Photos)


6. 這就是我能知道男朋友已經工作完回家的原因…

if youve ever owned a dog you will understand this perfectly 640 42 If youve ever owned a dog, you can relate to these points perfectly (31 Photos)


7. 我太累了,抱著我走。



8. 這是我們不用靠遮擋門板便能讓狗狗一直待在房子裡的優雅解決方法。

if youve ever owned a dog you will understand this perfectly 640 21 If youve ever owned a dog, you can relate to these points perfectly (31 Photos)


9. 我的狗總是以這副表情瞧著我們吃飯…

if youve ever owned a dog you will understand this perfectly 640 33 If youve ever owned a dog, you can relate to these points perfectly (31 Photos)


10. 如果我不給他我手中任何一點食物了話,他就會擺出這張臉…

if youve ever owned a dog you will understand this perfectly 640 31 If youve ever owned a dog, you can relate to these points perfectly (31 Photos)


11. 嘿,起床了。我不用尿尿,但我需要在庭院裡聞東西。

if youve ever owned a dog you will understand this perfectly 640 22 If youve ever owned a dog, you can relate to these points perfectly (31 Photos)


12. 我今天有好多事要做,但我卻捨不得叫醒她…

if youve ever owned a dog you will understand this perfectly 640 26 If youve ever owned a dog, you can relate to these points perfectly (31 Photos)


13. 你的狗狗每天、一整天在做的事…

if youve ever owned a dog you will understand this perfectly 640 28 If youve ever owned a dog, you can relate to these points perfectly (31 Photos)


14. 當我們剛得到一隻小狗狗時,我女友發誓他絕對不能上我們的床。而這張照片則總結了過去幾個月的情形…

if youve ever owned a dog you will understand this perfectly 640 29 If youve ever owned a dog, you can relate to these points perfectly (31 Photos)


15. 我媽剛花100美金 (台幣3250元) 給她的狗狗買了一張寵物護骨記憶床,結果完全浪費錢…

if youve ever owned a dog you will understand this perfectly 640 30 If youve ever owned a dog, you can relate to these points perfectly (31 Photos)


16. 網球會讓他無比快樂。

if youve ever owned a dog you will understand this perfectly 640 44 If youve ever owned a dog, you can relate to these points perfectly (31 Photos)


17. 回家後看到這幅景象,我絕對不知道是誰把坐墊咬破…

if youve ever owned a dog you will understand this perfectly 640 34 If youve ever owned a dog, you can relate to these points perfectly (31 Photos)


18. 狗佔人床…

if youve ever owned a dog you will understand this perfectly 640 36 If youve ever owned a dog, you can relate to these points perfectly (31 Photos)


19. 狗狗公園是一個非常成功的地方,看看他們滿足的笑容就知道…

if youve ever owned a dog you will understand this perfectly 640 38 If youve ever owned a dog, you can relate to these points perfectly (31 Photos)


20. 狗狗無法撿到床底下的球,於是我男朋友必須幫他…

if youve ever owned a dog you will understand this perfectly 640 40 If youve ever owned a dog, you can relate to these points perfectly (31 Photos)


21. 我不會一直汪汪叫,但當我開始叫時,會是在凌晨3點鐘,因為這時的樹葉看起來很可疑!

if youve ever owned a dog you will understand this perfectly 640 41 If youve ever owned a dog, you can relate to these points perfectly (31 Photos)


22. 人家不要理你了啦!

if youve ever owned a dog you will understand this perfectly 640 43 If youve ever owned a dog, you can relate to these points perfectly (31 Photos)


23. 我的人類麻吉不會分一部分的晚餐給我?或許當我換走到他的另一邊時,他會改變心意!

if youve ever owned a dog you will understand this perfectly 640 45 If youve ever owned a dog, you can relate to these points perfectly (31 Photos)


24. 這是我的狗狗在等我丟球時的表情。

if youve ever owned a dog you will understand this perfectly 640 47 If youve ever owned a dog, you can relate to these points perfectly (31 Photos)


25. 當接到壞消息時,我發現我的狗狗像這樣等在我房門外,慢慢地搖動著她的尾巴,然後走向我舔舔我的手…我愛我的狗!

if youve ever owned a dog you will understand this perfectly 640 48 If youve ever owned a dog, you can relate to these points perfectly (31 Photos)


26. 當我的狗聽到「你想要出去走走嗎?」的反應…

if youve ever owned a dog you will understand this perfectly 640 high 23 If youve ever owned a dog, you can relate to these points perfectly (31 Photos)


27. 「早安,我要一直煩你,直到你醒來為止…因為我愛你!」



28. 不想要一整碗…卻會執著要吃到那一個!

if youve ever owned a dog you will understand this perfectly 640 high 32 If youve ever owned a dog, you can relate to these points perfectly (31 Photos)


29. 「汪!你以為你是誰啊!你怎麼可以也是狗狗!我才是獨一無二的!汪!」

if youve ever owned a dog you will understand this perfectly 640 high 35 If youve ever owned a dog, you can relate to these points perfectly (31 Photos)


30. 我不能在你剩餘的生命中當你最好的朋友,因為我的壽命沒那麼長。不過我會在我剩餘的生命中,當你最要好的朋友!

if youve ever owned a dog you will understand this perfectly 640 49 If youve ever owned a dog, you can relate to these points perfectly (31 Photos)




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分類:世界, 動物
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