
日前,救援人員在華盛頓州發現了 3 匹瘦弱的馬,分別是正常體型的公馬以及一公一母的迷你馬,他們被發現時正浸泡在 120 公分高的馬糞中。並已被關在沒有蹄鐵匠、牙醫甚至連一般醫療照護與餵食人員都沒有的地方,長達 15 年之久。   很遺憾地,其中一匹母馬會被安樂死,

August 30, 2015

日前,救援人員在華盛頓州發現了 3 匹瘦弱的馬,分別是正常體型的公馬以及一公一母的迷你馬,他們被發現時正浸泡在 120 公分高的馬糞中。並已被關在沒有蹄鐵匠、牙醫甚至連一般醫療照護與餵食人員都沒有的地方,長達 15 年之久。

Authorities were contacted by a citizen who called the Humane Society of Washington County to report worries about “the welfare of pet pigeons.” Because the authorities have a standard procedure to also inspect other animals on the property, the three horses were discovered



This emaciated horse with hooves so long they curl around themselves was one of three found in a stable 


兩匹馬的馬蹄很長、超長,長到讓他們幾乎無法走路。所幸經過獸醫麻醉後,長達 91 公分並向內蜷曲的 4 個馬蹄已被剪斷了。「天結農場馬救援」(Days End Farm Horse Rescue) 是現在照顧兩匹倖存馬的慈善機構,該機構在過去 26 年來已經照顧超過 3000 匹馬,他們表示這是他們看過最糟的情況。

The horses had been locked away without farrier, dental or medical care, sporadic feeding and watering, and both stallions presented with hooves that were monstrously long, a good 3-ft of long curled and distorted hooves. The attending veterinarian and farrier have never seen a worst case 


調查還在進行,馬匹的擁有者可能會因此需要支付高昂的虐待罰款。「天結農場馬救援」現在正提供 78 匹馬的復原與後續照護。

Both horses are evaluated in critical condition and will receive rehabilitative care. The most urgent task was to sedate the stallions, lay them down safely, and remove portions of their hooves


一匹被救援的馬平均每個月的護理費為 1900-2400 美金 (台幣 6-7.8 萬),文章中救出的兩匹馬護理費將會落在花費區間中較高昂那端。

Two horses were sedated so that their hooves could be clipped, while a third horse had to be euthanized 


讓我們透過影片看看辛苦的馬兒如何和 91 公分的馬蹄相處吧…



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分類:世界, 動物
加入粉絲團! 3匹被遺棄15年的可憐馬兒,當護理人員看到時一開始都嚇得不知道該怎麼處理…留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友