
當波林哈 (Bolinha) 還是隻小小狗時,便被棄養在巴西一家加油站,從此在街頭流浪了 13 年,他棲身在加油站咖啡店外的垃圾堆中。員工和來加油的客人常會餵他食物,卻沒有提供他適當的醫療照護,這讓他的體重一路飆到 36 公斤,看起來就像是一顆圓滾滾的氣球… Faceb

August 18, 2015

當波林哈 (Bolinha) 還是隻小小狗時,便被棄養在巴西一家加油站,從此在街頭流浪了 13 年,他棲身在加油站咖啡店外的垃圾堆中。員工和來加油的客人常會餵他食物,卻沒有提供他適當的醫療照護,這讓他的體重一路飆到 36 公斤,看起來就像是一顆圓滾滾的氣球…

For 13 years, a stray dog named Bolinha lived outside a gas station in western Brazil. The townspeople constantly fed him scraps of food, but failed to give him the proper medical attention he needed as his weight ballooned to 80 pounds.





所幸在 2014 年 9 月,隔壁城鎮的動物救援人員前來拯救臃腫的波林哈,小傢伙的生命也從此刻開始不同!


救援人員將他帶到動物保護組織 (Animal Protection Organization),波林哈在那裡洗了人生中第一次澡,從他的表情可以看出這個澡有多麼舒服~

The man brought Bolihna to the Animal Protection Organization (OPA-MT). There, he was treated to his very first bath. As you can see, he found it rather heavenly!



Bolihna also found comfort in his new family who wanted nothing but the best for him. Now in capable hands, it was time to address his obesity, and the challenges they'd face on the road to recovery.



The rescue team placed Bolihna on an exercise regimen that involved walking on a treadmill in water to alleviate the stress on his aching joints.



His food intake was also greatly reduced -- but what he lacked in food he made up for cuddles and kisses.



Progress was slow, especially considering Bolihna's age and various medical conditions, but his extra weight started to come off.


不到一年他就減了超過 13 公斤,他的轉變令人難以置信!這真的是同一隻狗嗎?

In less than a year, Bolinha has lost more than 30 pounds. His transformation is absolutely incredible!


波林哈的救星正在幫他減去多餘的 7 公斤,過不了多久,他就能達到健康的標準體重了~

Bolinha's saviors are now helping him shed another 15 pounds. Pretty soon, he'll have reached his healthy goal weight. In the meantime, this incredible dog continues to be an inspiration to all of us.

來源:Little Things.com


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分類:世界, 動物
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