
1.史上最強的機器人將會由洋蔥做成的。   現今最壯的人工智慧機器人只能舉起自己體重一半的重量,而且動作極不靈活、生硬。科學家多年來試過多種昂貴的聚合物來製作機器人的肌肉,但 2014 年 5 月時研究員發現「能讓你流淚的蔬菜」可以解決這個問題。他們將加了黃金的洋

August 2, 2015


The strongest robots will be made of onions</p><br /><br /><br /><br /> <p>Today’s strongest artificially intelligent being can only lift half their weight, are inflexible and have jerky movements. Scientists have been trying to make muscles for years with expensive polymers, but this past May researchers discovered they could use the veggie that makes you cry. They coated onion cells with gold and zapped them with electricity and they cells bent and contracted like human muscles.
現今最壯的人工智慧機器人只能舉起自己體重一半的重量,而且動作極不靈活、生硬。科學家多年來試過多種昂貴的聚合物來製作機器人的肌肉,但 2014 年 5 月時研究員發現「能讓你流淚的蔬菜」可以解決這個問題。他們將加了黃金的洋蔥細胞塗在機器人身上,導電後細胞的彎曲和收縮就能跟人類的肌肉運動一樣了!



We'll  say goodbye to grocery store checkout lines </p><br /><br /><br /><br /> <p>The Food Marketing Insititute predicts that by 2025 customers will no longer wait in lines to pay for their stuff. They will simply walk out the door and a ‘frictionless checkout’ will automatically account for products in their carts.
食物行銷機構預測,到 2025 年時顧客將不用在結帳櫃檯前排隊等結帳。他們只需帶著產品走出店門,設備會自動幫你結帳。



Mona Lisa’s identity will be discovered<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /> Some think Da Vinci modeled the woman after his mother while others think it was a secret male lover. One art historian defined her just a few decades after the painting was finished as Lisa Gherardini duel Giocondo, the wife of a rich merchant. Now, thanks to radiocarbon dating, this might finally be confirmed. Researchers think they found Gherardini’s remains in a convent in Florence, and if the carbon tests confirm it’s her, scientists will use DNA to test the color of her eyes, skin and hair. With that information they will be able to put one of art’s biggest mysteries to bed.



The internet might not be a thing anymore<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /> Andrew Ellis of Aston University’s School of Engineering and Applied Sciences says If we don’t figure out a way to provide data faster, it could collapse by 2023. What not everyone remembers is that the internet is made up of fiber-optic cables strung across the ocean floor, and they can only keep up with so much information. Research suggests we could hit a point where nothing more can be crammed into a single fiber. Basically, the internet could fill up. The repercussions include crappy service or skyrocketing prices.
阿斯頓大學的工程與應用科學學院安德魯·埃利斯 (Andrew Ellis) 說,如果我們不想出一個辦法來更快的傳遞數據,網路可能將在2023年時崩潰。我們能使用網際網路是因為有海底的光纖電纜,它們也只能傳遞如此多的訊息。研究表明一根光纖所能傳遞的訊息會到一個極限。也因此網際網路可能達到極限,產生的後果可能包括服務品質下降或價格暴漲。



Shakespeare could be outed as a stoner</p><br /><br /><br /><br /> <p>In 2012 the remains of King Richard III were dug up. Researchers used laser scans and analysis to reveal how he died as well as clues about his lifestyle and diet, apparently he really liked peacock and swan. The same procedure will be performed on Shakespeare, and the burning question of if he smoked weed or not will be answered. In 2001, fragments of clay pipes containing traces of cannabis were found in the writer’s garden.
在2012年,國王理查三世 (King Richard III) 的遺體被挖出。研究人員用雷射掃描和分析,揭開了他的死因以及他生前的飲食和生活方式,研究顯示他很喜歡孔雀和天鵝。同樣的程序將對莎士比亞執行,他到底是否有抽大麻的問題將得到解答。 因為在2001年,在莎士比亞家中花園的陶管碎片中發現了大麻的痕跡。



Marijuana could become a legal and highly profitable career</p><br /><br /><br /><br /> <p>By 2020, legal pot could be a $35 billion industry in the US. A study suggests that as many as 18 states could legalize recreational use, while nearly twice that may legalize it for medical use. The current $3 billion medical and leisure industry employs about 46,000-60,000 people. That number will get a lot higher. From horticulturalists to procurement officers to dispensary owners, the number of positions growing out of the industry could make marijuana one of the hottest job opportunities for college grads.
到2020年,合法的大麻在美國可能約有台幣一兆 (350億美金) 的市場。研究顯示將有多達18個國家合法化大麻作為娛樂用途,而近36個國家可能將大麻合法化用於醫療用途。未來當大麻市場擴張,這可能會讓製造大麻成為大學畢業生最熱門的就業選擇之一。


7.將不會再有怪獸耶穌 (Beast Jesus)。

“Beast Jesus” will be no more</p><br /><br /><br /><br /> <p>In 2012 81-year-old Cecilia Gimenez tried to restore ‘Ecce Homo,’ a 19th century painting of Jesus in her church in Spain. The result wasn’t…exactly what the previous painting looked like, many say it’s more like ‘ crayon sketch of a very hairy monkey in an ill-fitting tunic.’ However the mistake actually brought in over 150,000 tourists who each paid a euro to see the comical portrait. Art historians are dying to remove the paint job, and they say it could be done in minutes. However, the church might prolong it to keep the tourism money rolling in.
2012 年 81 歲的西西里亞吉梅內斯 (Cecilia Gimenez) 試圖恢復「瞧!這個人!」(Ecce Homo),這是一幅 19 世紀在西班牙教堂裡的耶穌畫像。結果修復成果並沒有變成之前畫作的模樣,很多人說這更像是穿著不合身外衣的毛茸茸猴子。事實上,這個錯誤帶來超過 15 萬的遊客,每人支付一歐元去看這幅滑稽的畫像。藝術史學家希望能盡快去除新上的修復油漆工作,他們說這在數分鐘內便能完成。然而,教堂可能會延長它滑稽的樣子來保持錢兒滾滾而來。



我們將遇見如殭屍般從地底現身的大量飛行生物:最惡名昭彰的「Brood X」,他們正在地底下吃著樹根,但在 2021 年,經歷 17 年生活於我們腳底下後,他們將爬出來繁殖。在美國東北部,每英畝地可能有 150 萬隻蟬。這樣的入侵不會傷害農作物,不過會傷害你的耳朵,因為他們會盡情唱數個星期的情歌。



We’ll be flying on fungus fuel</p><br /><br /><br /><br /> <p>Researchers at Washington State University have discovered that a black fungus named Aspergillus carbonarius ITEM 5010-which thrives in decaying leaves, soil and fruit-can be used to help make jet fuel. This would eliminate the need for complex chemical processes, and they hope the fungus will start to be put in use in the next 5 years.
華盛頓州立大學的研究人員發現,名為「麴黴屬碳黑曲霉 5010 號」(Aspergillus carbonarius ITEM 5010) 的真菌,可用於製作噴氣燃料,它生長於腐爛的樹葉、土壤和水果。製作噴氣燃料將不再需要複雜的化學過程,希望在未來 5 年真菌將開始被使用於此用途。



We will shed light on Dark Matter </p><br /><br /><br /><br /> <p>By 2024 a powerful radio telescope will help answer the biggest questions our biggest brains can’t figure out. The Square Kilometer Array in South Africa and Western Australia will be the world’s fastest and largest radio telescope, and the closest thing we have to a time machine. Scientists will be able to see billions of years in the past to observe the first black holes, galaxies and stars. Out of all of the things this puppy will be able to do, one of the biggest jobs it has however will be to help identify dark matter, the mysterious material composing 85% of our universe. </p><br /><br /><br /><br /> <p>SOURCE
在2024年,一個強大的無線電望遠鏡、在南非和西澳大利亞的平方千米陣列 (Square Kilometer Array) 將成為世界上速度最快,規模最大的射電望遠鏡,這將是最接近時光機的東西。科學家們將能夠看到過去的數十億年、觀察第一個黑洞、星系和恆星。另外它也能幫助研究佔了宇宙 85% 的神秘暗物質。

來源:The Chive


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