
1. 傑克丹尼爾 (Jack Daniel),威士忌酒商:某天這位成功的威士忌商人因為沮喪而踢了保險箱一腳,結果他的傷口受到感染。就算之後將腳截肢細菌還是擴散到身體的其他部位。他最後失去了一隻腳然後接著在1911年死於血液感染。   2. 亨利胡狄尼 (Harry Houdini),魔術師:

July 26, 2015

1. 傑克丹尼爾 (Jack Daniel),威士忌酒商:某天這位成功的威士忌商人因為沮喪而踢了保險箱一腳,結果他的傷口受到感染。就算之後將腳截肢細菌還是擴散到身體的其他部位。他最後失去了一隻腳然後接著在1911年死於血液感染。

Jack Daniel, Whiskey Mogul<br /> After becoming frustrated one day, Daniel kicked his safe and the wound became infected. After having his foot amputated the infection spread into the rest of his leg. Daniel ended up losing his whole leg and dying of blood poisoning in 1911.


2. 亨利胡狄尼 (Harry Houdini),魔術師:在1926年,胡狄尼是全世界最好的魔術師之一。他自稱可以承受在肚子上被揍很多拳。當胡狄尼在準備一個魔術秀時,一位大學生去拜訪他然後趁胡狄尼不注意時全力揍了他肚子幾拳。胡狄尼在幾天後死於闌尾破裂。

Harry Houdini, Magician<br /> In 1926, Harry Houdini was one of the world's greatest magicians and often boasted that he could withstand many punches to the abdomen. Houdini was preparing for a show when a McGill University student stopped by and delivered a surprise attack of multiple blows to Houdini's abdomen. He died a few days later of a ruptured appendix.


3. 阿道夫·弗雷德里克 (Adolf Frederick),瑞典國王:這位國王在1771年吃了一頓超級大餐後,中風死亡。

Adolf Frederick, King of Sweden<br /> Adolf died from a stroke in 1771 after eating an extremely enormous meal.


4. 德拉古 (Draco),希臘立法委員:希臘人顯然太喜歡這位立法者,當他演講完後,他們丟了大量的帽子與大衣上台以示喜愛,結果這位立法者最後因為這些帽子與大衣窒息而死。

Draco, Greek Legislator<br /> The Grecians loved Draco so much that he suffocated to death by all the hats and coats thrown on stage after one of his speeches.


5. 腓特烈一世 (Frederick Barbarossa),德意志國王:這位國王在帶領德軍於十字軍東征時死亡。他覺得游過河比翻山越嶺更省時間。他跳進河裡,試圖想證明給他的軍隊看這是可以做到的。結果,不到幾分鐘,他就溺水身亡。

Frederick Barbarossa, German Emperor<br /> Barbarossa was a German military commander that died during a Crusade. Instead of taking the time to go over a mountain, Barbarossa hopped into the Calycadmus River to prove to his men they could swim across the river. Within minutes of jumping in the water, he drowned.


6. 埃斯庫羅斯 (Aeschylus),古希臘哲學家:根據傳言,這位哲學家在西元前455年被一隻老鷹丟下的烏龜打到頭而死亡。

Aeschylus, Greek Philosopher<br /> According to legend, Aeschylus died around the year 455 B.C. when an eagle dropped a tortoise on his head.


7. 鮑比·利奇 (Bobby Leach),馬戲團表演者:他是第一位在木桶裡橫越尼加拉瓜瀑布的人。在某天踩到橘子皮跌倒後,他腿上的傷口受到感染結果他只好截肢。2個月後他還是死於併發症。

Bobby Leach, Circus performer<br /> Daredevil Bobby Leach, the first man to go over Niagara Falls in a barrel, slipped on an orange peel. A wound on his leg became infected and eventually gangrene set in causing the leg to be amputated. He died two months later of complications.


8. 法蘭西斯·培根 (Sir Francis Bacon),學者:這位學者在雪中研究如何用雪保存雞肉,結果因為在雪中呆太久而生病最後過世。

Sir Francis Bacon, Scholar<br /> Bacon was experimenting on preserving a chicken with snow. While conducting the experiment Bacon became ill from being outside in the snow and later died.


9. 庫爾特·哥德爾 (Kurt Godel),數學家:這位偏執的數學家因為非常害怕被下毒因此只吃他老婆煮的飯菜。當他老婆住院無法下廚時,他因飢餓而死。

Kurt Godel, Mathematician<br /> Godel was so paranoid of being poisoned that he would only eat his wife's cooking. When she became hospitalized he starved to death.


10. Sunandha Kumariratana,泰國公主:這位公主的僕人被禁止碰觸她,因此當她溺水時,僕人們只能眼睜睜的看著她溺水身亡。

Sunandha Kumariratana, Thailand Princess<br /> Kumariratana's servants were forbidden to touch her and had to watch her drown because of it.


11. 艾倫平克頓 (Allan Pinkerton),偵探:身為創立美國第一家私人偵探社的名偵探,他跌倒時咬到舌頭結果傷口感染,他幾個星期後就死亡。

Allan Pinkerton, Detective<br /> Allan Pinkerton, of the famous Pinkerton Detective Agency, stumbled and bit his tongue causing Gangrene set in. He died a few weeks later from the infection.


12. 田納西·威廉斯 (Tennessee Williams),劇作家:他是20世紀最重要的美國劇作家之一。在71歲時他被發現陳屍在紐約的飯店裡。他因為眼藥水的瓶蓋而窒息,雖然有些傳聞表示他是死於用藥過量,但實情仍然是個謎。

Tennessee Williams, Playwright<br /> Considered among the foremost playwrights in 20th-century American drama, Williams was found dead in a New York hotel at the age of 71. He had choked on the cap from a bottle of eye drops. There are some rumors that he might have died of a drug overdose, but the real truth is unknown.

來源:The Chive 


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