
在愛情裡頭的人們,常常會為了另一半而做出一些平常不會做的舉動,這麼做不為了什麼、只是想讓對方開心而已,而這一切浪漫的犧牲,都會成為生命中最美好的回憶之一。   我敢說接下來要介紹的這名男子,應該是近期內最努力、最有心的男友了吧…!   哈薩克這名叫做A

June 10, 2015




哈薩克這名叫做Ayan Zhademov的20歲男子,他的17歲女友之前為了參加即將到來的大考而緊張不已。哈薩克的學生都要參加這個”全國統一測驗 (Unified National Testing)”,並且獲取好成績才能順利唸大學…而Ayan因為無法順利幫助女友克服考前恐慌,於是居然想出了一個超級無敵瘋狂的辦法…

Pic shows:  Ayan Zhardemov A student from Borat’s homeland Kazakhstan has been dubbed "romantic of the year" after dressing up as his girlfriend to take an exam for her. Loved-up Ayan Zhademov, 20, was desperate to help his 17-year-old girlfriend out when she told him she was worried about an upcoming exam. After trying to calm her down and failing he hatched his plan to impersonate her in the exam room and do the test for her. The girl, who has not been named, was preparing to take her Unified National Testing, an exam in Kazakhstan which school students must take when finishing to get into university. Donning an old black wig, slapping on some makeup and squeezing into her white blouse and grey skirt, Zhademov then tried sneaking into the exam room in the town of Zhetisai in south Kazakhstan. But eagle-eyed examiners spotted him, and thinking he looked too butch to be a girl, took him aside for questioning. A spokesman for the exam board said that as soon as he started talking their suspicions were confirmed. "He tried speaking in a high voice but it was obvious this was a male," the spokesman said. Zhademov was then fined 1,400 GBP for his actions. But now he has been dubbed romantic of the year by locals after a businessman stepped into help pay off the fine. Fellow student Dariga Nesterova said: "It was stupid but very romantic. "Sometimes love leads us to do silly things, I wish my boyfriend was this romantic." Another student, Goga Korzhova, said: "She’s lucky to have someone as brave as this, who will risk everything for her." Businessman Olzhas Hudaibergenov who has agreed to pay half of the fine said he was delighted to see romance was still alive and well. He added: "I only hope that his romantic moves in the future will be more legal." The girl was told she will have to nw wait until next year before taking the exam. (ends)



Pic shows: 20-year-old Ayan Zhardemov. A student from Borat’s homeland Kazakhstan has been dubbed "romantic of the year" after dressing up as his girlfriend to take an exam for her. Loved-up Ayan Zhademov, 20, was desperate to help his 17-year-old girlfriend out when she told him she was worried about an upcoming exam. After trying to calm her down and failing he hatched his plan to impersonate her in the exam room and do the test for her. The girl, who has not been named, was preparing to take her Unified National Testing, an exam in Kazakhstan which school students must take when finishing to get into university. Donning an old black wig, slapping on some makeup and squeezing into her white blouse and grey skirt, Zhademov then tried sneaking into the exam room in the town of Zhetisai in south Kazakhstan. But eagle-eyed examiners spotted him, and thinking he looked too butch to be a girl, took him aside for questioning. A spokesman for the exam board said that as soon as he started talking their suspicions were confirmed. "He tried speaking in a high voice but it was obvious this was a male," the spokesman said. Zhademov was then fined 1,400 GBP for his actions. But now he has been dubbed romantic of the year by locals after a businessman stepped into help pay off the fine. Fellow student Dariga Nesterova said: "It was stupid but very romantic. "Sometimes love leads us to do silly things, I wish my boyfriend was this romantic." Another student, Goga Korzhova, said: "She’s lucky to have someone as brave as this, who will risk everything for her." Businessman Olzhas Hudaibergenov who has agreed to pay half of the fine said he was delighted to see romance was still alive and well. He added: "I only hope that his romantic moves in the future will be more legal." The girl was told she will have to nw wait until next year before taking the exam. (ends)


雖然Ayan想盡辦法要幫助愛人卻失敗了,但他這樣癡情的舉動卻意外地造成熱議!人們都覺得他的所作所為雖然愚蠢、但卻相當地浪漫,於是將Ayan稱為是”無可救藥的浪漫主義者”,並且表示:「她真是幸運的女孩!能有這樣願意為她冒險的男友!」甚至有位名叫Olzhas Hudaibergenov的當地商人表示願意幫Ayan支付一半的罰金,因為被他的行為感動了!





來源:Daily Mail


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加入粉絲團! 監考官抓到一名女考生疑似代考,結果”她”頭一抬起時就發現到讓網友笑翻的浪漫愛情故事。留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友