
聽到王健林這個名字你會想到什麼?大連萬達 (Dalian-Wanda) 集團董事長、豪華遊艇聖汐克 (Sunseeker) 公司董事長、西甲馬德里競技 (Atlético Madrid) 球隊大股東,還是中國首富?而他自1988年創業以來不過短短27個年頭,他是如何從借貸390萬台幣 (12.6萬美金) 打拚到總

July 6, 2015

聽到王健林這個名字你會想到什麼?大連萬達 (Dalian-Wanda) 集團董事長、豪華遊艇聖汐克 (Sunseeker) 公司董事長、西甲馬德里競技 (Atlético Madrid) 球隊大股東,還是中國首富?而他自1988年創業以來不過短短27個年頭,他是如何從借貸390萬台幣 (12.6萬美金) 打拚到總資產超過1.2兆台幣 (395億美金)?

Striking gold: Property mogul Wang Jianlin (pictured) has become the richest man China with a staggering personal fortune of £25billion



Service: Wang Jianlin (pictured far right) - the eldest of five brothers (pictured) - followed in his father's footsteps by joining the People's Liberation Army
王健林 (圖右一),五名兄弟中的長子。



Global: Having already conquered China where he has 104 Wanda Plaza shopping malls (pictured), he wants 30 per cent of his company's income to come from outside the country by 2020
1988年,王健林34歲時卸下軍職身份並進入政府旗下公營房地產事業展開他的商業之路,王健林向朋友借貸總金額約台幣390萬元,他透過改造大連地區的老舊棚戶區賺了不少錢。接著,大連萬達 (Dalian Wanda) 集團成立。



Powerful: His company controls hundreds of shopping malls, cinemas, karaoke bars and luxury hotels (pictured)


王健林除了投資眼光獨到,更為自己購入了兩架灣流 (Gulfstream ) 私人飛機以便閒暇之餘能環遊世界,而一台私人飛機要多少錢呢?「只要」台幣約15億元 (5060萬美金) 而已,作為中國首富的他一次買個兩台就像上市場買菜一樣輕鬆。

Extravagant: His business empire began with an £80,000 loan and he now travels the world in one of his two Gulfstream G550 private jets (file photo)
Globetrotter: As the chairman of Dalian Wanda Group - which has total assets worth around £85billion - he lives a life of unbridled luxury and travels the world in jets worth up to £32million each (file photo)


 2003年王健林將投資項目轉向海外,斥資台幣約155億元 (5億美金) 收購英國頂級遊艇製造商聖汐克 (Sunseeker) ,該遊艇因其良好品質及優美外型還曾經在詹姆士龐德的007電影中亮相。

Big money: As part of the global expansion of his business, Wang bought Dorset-based luxury yacht maker Sunseeker International (file photo of one of its yachts)
Plush: After purchasing Sunseeker International (file photo of one of its yachts) for £320million, many believed he was looking to invest around £1billion in the UK
Action: Sunseeker International's boats have famously appeared in James Bond movies including 'The World Is Not Enough' (pictured) starring Pierce Brosnan

王健林近年在藝術投資市場上也展現他豪邁氣度。2013年11月紐約佳士得拍賣,以天價約台幣8.7億元 (2845萬美金) 購入畢卡索 (Picasso) 的《兩個小孩》(Claude et Paloma)。2015年初紐約蘇富比拍賣,以約台幣6.3億元 (2055萬美金) 拍入莫內 (Monet) 的《睡蓮池與玫瑰》(Bassin aux nympheas, les rosiers) 一畫。

Masterpiece: He has since becoming a passionate art collector and purchased Picasso's 'Claude and Paloma' (pictured) painting for an incredible £18 million in 2013
Flamboyant: And earlier this month, Wang paid £13million for Monet's 'Bassin aux nympheas, les rosiers' (pictured)


除涉略藝術投資外,王健林更於2015年1月花費約台幣16億元 (5375萬美金) 約取得西班牙甲級足球馬德里競技 (Atlético Madrid) 球隊的20%股份,成為第一位入主歐洲球隊的中國企業家。

Opulent: Wang, who acquired 20 per cent Atletico Madrid for £34million just a few weeks earlier (pictured), leapfrogged Li Hejun who lost £9billion in just one hour


 近年王健林將集團發展鎖定於電影娛樂產業,他指出「中國擁有13億觀影人口,在2018年有機會成為全世界電影娛樂產業中最重要的市場」。2013年他砸重金在山東建造集團最大規模影城,還特地邀請多位好萊塢影星,包括李奧納多狄卡皮歐 (Leonardo DiCaprio)、凱薩琳麗塔瓊絲 (Catherine Zeta-Jones)、妮可基嫚 (Nicole Kidman) 等人至中國宣傳,一舉成功打響知名度。

Conquer: Dalian Wanda Group also owns 68 cinemas (pictured) and 54 karaoke centres across 111 Chinese cities
Expansion: Wang has ambitions to turn China into the new Hollywood, and superstars such as Leonardo DiCaprio (pictured) attended the launch of his £8billion 20-studio venture in Qingdao in 2013 

 來源:Daily Mail


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