
來自蘇格蘭亞伯丁郡的插圖畫家Johanna Basford的才華洋溢,她所創作的著色書本有趣到讓成人都無法抗拒,到目前為止,她最暢銷的成人著色畫本《祕密花園》已經銷售100萬多本,而且目前已經被翻譯成14種不同的語言版本。 她的畫冊在法國巴黎賣光光,是書店裡最熱賣的手作

March 7, 2015

來自蘇格蘭亞伯丁郡的插圖畫家Johanna Basford的才華洋溢,她所創作的著色書本有趣到讓成人都無法抗拒,到目前為止,她最暢銷的成人著色畫本《祕密花園》已經銷售100萬多本,而且目前已經被翻譯成14種不同的語言版本。


Johanna Basford (pictured) was delighted when her book, Secret Garden, proved such a success it was translated into 14 different languages



Her colouring books for adults feature beautifully hand drawn and whimsical illustrations - like this one featuring a stag and fauna


Johanna said her second book was inspired by visits to her grandparents and the surrounding woodland on the Isle of Arran, in Ayrshire





The book has been a particular hit in Paris where it outsold France's best-selling cookery books - an unheard of feat


Following the success of her debut book  she has created a follow up called Enchanted Forest: An Inky Quest & Colouring Book



The new colouring book takes readers on a inky quest of 60 illustrations through an enchanted forest to discover what lies in the castle


One of the illustrations from Johanna's new book The Enchanted Forest  - the book is based on ancient woodland on the Isle of Arran


Every illustration Johanna creates starts life as a pencil sketch, evolving into a rambling pen and ink drawing on several sheets of paper


The finished product: One of Johanna's beautiful illustrations which has been carefully coloured in with a patient hand


As well as drawings to colour the book also features hidden objects to be found along the way including wild flowers and animals


她的插畫圖片還被各大品牌拿來用,像是絕對伏特加(Absolut Vodka)、索尼(Sony)、運動名牌Nike、賓士的 Smart Car等品牌。

Johanna's hand drawn illustrations have also been used by numerous brands, including Absolut Vodka, Sony, Nike and Tate Modern

來源: Daily Mail


難怪能銷售100多萬本…因為真的太美了!身為大人的我 (內心很幼稚),看完後也真的很想要拿出我封塵已久的粉筆,然後到公園裡為這些美麗的圖案上個色!

沒想到成人的著色本也可以這麼賣座,看來我該考慮轉行了 :P

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