15個最被乘客唾棄的難吃飛機餐 美國飛機餐根本就是「視覺毒藥」

對很多人來說,搭飛機固然是個新奇的經驗。然而,即便這個經驗很新奇,依然無法掩蓋許多飛機餐不好吃的事實。 廣告1 於是,很多旅客就拍下了很多不好吃、或是根本亂做的飛機餐,並上傳到一個網站「飛機餐」( AirlineMeals.net)。這個網站也已經有10年的歷史了,現在上頭

March 31, 2017



於是,很多旅客就拍下了很多不好吃、或是根本亂做的飛機餐,並上傳到一個網站「飛機餐」( AirlineMeals.net)。這個網站也已經有10年的歷史了,現在上頭也已經有3.4萬張照片,囊括了680個全世界的航空公司。

1. 聯合航空 (United Airlines) 這漢堡…做得相當沒有誠意呀!

AirlineMeals gives people the platform to share their dining delights. This United Flight roll from Japan to America in October 2014 was not met with happiness


2. 達美航空 (Delta Airlines) 這番茄乾三明治,已經達到面目全非的境界了…

When Delta Air Lines decided to serve this sun dried tomato sandwich, they were met with horror by the flying customer, who had to put it back in the bag 


3. 烏克蘭國際航空 (Ukraine International) 這水蜜桃的甜點,嗯~看起來完全沒有食慾!

You would be forgiven from thinking this slimy peach dessert was a slug. It is fact the dish on offer onboard a Ukraine International flight


4. 媽媽告訴我,做人不能敷衍。高麗航空 (Air Koryo) 的這個漢堡,就是最好的警惕。說好的裡面有生菜,就好好放嘛…

North Korea's Air Koryo served this burger, with a few sad-looking leaves of lettuce, to an unhappy victim on a flight


5. 你總是以為沙拉是將沙拉醬淋上生菜上頭,但越南航空 (Vietnam Airlines) 則顛覆你的想像。他們是將肉片和沙拉丟到下方水水的醬汁上頭。

This Vietnam Airlines meal, with the meat tossed on top of a watery sauce, looks less than appealing for the consumer


6. 荷蘭航空 (Royal Dutch Airlines) 這甜點…算了,我也沒有打算理解這到底是什麼東西。

The mother of the boy who received this pancake onboard a KLM flight (Royal Dutch Airlines) said he called it 'gross' and refused to eat it - we aren't sure we would eat it either!


7. 瑞安航空 (Ryanair) 的這個肉球三明治,我光看就覺得超乾、超沒食慾…

Ryanair served this disappointing meatball sub to a guest, who promptly uploaded to name and shame the airline 


8. 這餐看起來還算正常。但是根據乘客表示,這蛋超噁心、牛肉很乾又沒味道,沙拉聞起來像是有毒的,只有蛋糕味道比較好。

Thai Airways International: 'This was the most disgusting and bland meal I have ever tried to eat on an aircraft. The egg was gross, the beef was dry and flavourless and the salad smelled toxic. I only ate the cake which was decent'


9. 湯姆森航空 (Thomson Airways) 的三明治,看起來有夠沒有誠意。

A customer onboard a Thomson Airways flight was not happy with his frozen gouda sandwich, on his flight between Greece and United States


10. 希臘最大的公司愛琴海航空 (Aegean Airlines) 的飛機餐,被旅客形容「義大利麵像是放了3天一樣難吃」。

'The pasta was like three days old' according to one Aegean Airlines user who tried this dry, bland dish on their flight from Germany to Greece in 2015


11. 新加坡航空 (Singapore Airlines) 飛機餐的魚肉被形容是「近乎不能吃」。

This Singapore Airlines dry fish was described by the user as 'bordering inedible', during a flight from South Africa (JNB) to Singapore (SIN), 26 Oct 2014


12. 這個男人搭乘了伊朗航空 (Iran Air),想說吃個歐姆蛋,出來卻是這副德性…

A man on an Iran Air was confused his omelette had been served with limp mushrooms and... crisps?


13. 曼谷航空 (Bangkok Airways) 的麵,被形容是又冰又沒味道。

Bangkok Airways served this 'cold and tasteless' dish of glass noodle salad with shrimp on its flight from Thailand to Cambodia to the dismay of a queasy guest 


14. 我們都愛吃起司,但是瑞安航空 (Ryanair) 這片「起司游泳池」可讓人忘之卻步啊… (這吃了會中毒吧?)

This offering from Ryanair did not go down a treat. While we are a fan of cheese, Ryanair have created a swimming pool of cheesy sauce for the limp burger 


15. UTair航空這三明治被評價是又乾又少,10分之中只給了1分。

Unhappy with Utair. This disgruntled passenger rated gave this dry 'scanty sandwich' a 1/10 rating on the site. Not the most appetising sandwich we have seen

若你比較常搭飛機,那你一定也心有戚戚!很多東西實在是食之無味,棄之又覺得浪費呀!還是奉勸各個航空公司,可以推出更好吃 (至少好入口一點) 的航空餐吧…

參考資料:Daily Mail
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分類:美食, 世界
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