
男人到底长出胡子好看呢?还是干干净净的好看?其实大自然都已经帮我们「一切准备好」,男人会长出胡子是不是就是因为有重要的用途?我们来看看吧! 1. 从男孩变成男人。           View this post on Instagram                   A little bit of hard work…

March 2, 2019


1. 从男孩变成男人。


2. 我觉得真的帅很多!虽然途中身材有变得更好,但那应该不是重点…吧?




3. 发型改变,胡子长出来,有点多但真的很有FEEL啊!


4. 胡子最重要的用途,就是把男孩变成男人!


5.  之前是秀气,但之后真的MAN啊!

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I really feel that people who are born without any luxuries and are unfortunate in terms of finances have an advantage over the rest of us. Do you even realise the amount of refinement their survival mechanisms have? . I mean they are mentally tougher than any of us. They have survived the toughest times and have programmed their brain to generate the amount of will and hunger that none of us “The Fortunate ” ones will ever have . Why am I saying this? Because if you really want to propel through your life and achieve your goals as fast as possible, you have to generate the same amount of hunger . This means that rather than waiting for a tragedy to hit you and you needing to call on all your resources of Mind and Will power I am telling you to force yourself in situations which actually simulate those situations . Try sleeping on the floor, try staying away from home for a while, have a Fixed Budget for the month, try going broke and challenging yourself to generate income, try socialising at places which scare you like clubs and bars, try giving a random public speech or dance in public on your tune…. Yes all of this sounds crazy AF but the programming you will do to your brain and survival mechanisms is exactly whats going to keep you moving forward . Complacency is as equal as Death. I have found myself numerous times being Depressed because I got “Complacent” and “Comfortable” which led to Stagnancy. I do mot want any of you to feel that. Constantly keep on pushing harder, challenge your self and your beliefs every single day . Before you go to bed I want you to do atleast one thing that scares the shit out of you or go to bed with atleast one Golden Nugget that adds in your wisdom. All of these small actions will manifest into something beautiful one day and thats how you will get a Strength Upgrade . #abhinavmahajan #thegrindisthelife #transformation #TeamNoFucksGiven #kingoftransformation #kingoftransformations #strengthupgrade #throwbackthursday #beardmodel #transform #hardworkpaysoff #neverletgo #physiquefreak #beardtransformation #hustler #grindinghard

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6. 那胡子感觉也太有形了,方方的很帅!


7. 13天就可以从男孩变成男人!

8. 有了胡子,连眼神也深邃了。



9. 帅!之前感觉还有点那种偷窥狂的感觉。

10. 从渣男变成…成熟渣男?(误)



11. 变成男人后,连发色都自动改变了…(误)


12. 5年的差别,就是…嗯,你猜对了,从男孩变成男人了。

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5 years apart, never going back to the feminine look, #beardforever #beardoath #beardlife #beardtransformation @thebeardshed

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13. 之前有点怪怪叔叔的FEEL,之后感觉要卖我魔法秘笈的感觉…(等等,不是应该要变很帅的吗?)



14. 感觉都很帅,但右边的已经可以直接变成电影明星了。




16. 必须要说,胡子真的差很多。


17. 变成时尚男人了!

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I guess I changed a lot in the last five years. That’s me being 24 (2011) and 29 (2016). Both pictures shot by @pbeckerphoto #beardtransformation #aging #beard

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19. 差别就是,左边那个追不到女仔,右边的每天需要拒绝追他的女生。


20. 完全不一样的人了呢。

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