
已故的流行天王麥可傑克森 (Michael Jackson),曾花了30年的時間,想要達成他心目中最理想的自己,於是就這麼接受了多次的手術程序,從一開始只有更動自己的鼻子,到後來必須要不停地修補手術所留下的損傷。朋友曾說他是想要模仿黛安娜羅斯 (Diana Ross),也有人說是因

February 8, 2015

已故的流行天王麥可傑克森 (Michael Jackson),曾花了30年的時間,想要達成他心目中最理想的自己,於是就這麼接受了多次的手術程序,從一開始只有更動自己的鼻子,到後來必須要不停地修補手術所留下的損傷。朋友曾說他是想要模仿黛安娜羅斯 (Diana Ross),也有人說是因為他討厭自己的父親,所以想要抹除一切跟他相似的地方。


一個電視節目也揭露了他的手術成癮症,起初他也對於他的鼻整形手術感到相當慌張,想要姊姊拉托亞·傑克森 (La Toya Jackson) 先作為他的白老鼠,看看效果如何、會不會很痛。


1. 1977年的傑克森五人組 (Jackson Five) 時期:

1977: Only 19, Michael is the star of the Jackson Five and about to launch himself as a solo performer. Despite this success, he loathes his appearance, as he recalled years later: ‘I had pimples so badly it used to make me so shy. I cried every day.’ Indeed, the misery is written all over his face. According to La Toya, Michael was especially distressed by his nose and would say: ‘It’s too big, I want to get it done’


2. 1979年20歲的麥可,鼻子的形狀已經改變了:

1979: An apparently confident 20-year-old Jackson shows off his new nose. Ashamed to admit he just wanted a smaller nose, he claimed he’d had an operation after breaking it during a dance rehearsal. However, he wasn’t satisfied with this result — Dr Steven Hoefflin, who performed a second nose job to correct the original operation, said that he was left with breathing difficulties and ‘required further work’


3. 1983年麥可發行他最暢銷的專輯《顫慄》(Thriller) 時,似乎上了一層淡化膚色的妝、鼻子也更細了、下巴也明顯植入。

1983: Publicising his best-selling album Thriller, Michael has  got rid of his teenage afro and is wearing skin-lightening make-up. His nose seems to have been thinned again and cheek implants have been inserted. He liked the effect so much he had a third nose job the following year, increased the size of the cheek implants and had his eyelids ‘lifted’, which reduces bagginess and removes excess skin

4. 1991年經歷了4或5次的鼻整形手術,他的鼻子明顯開始變成三角形的樣子。他的膚色明顯變白 (白斑病),下巴看起來也較寬。

1991: Now 33 and living a reclusive life. After a fourth or fifth nose job, his nostrils have started to assume a triangular look. (In 1992 he was spotted wearing a prosthetic nose tip to try to cover up the botched results of the surgery.) He has a new dimple in his chin and has had chin implants to make it larger. He has started to look whiter — he later claimed this was a consequence of the skin condition vitiligo

5. 1995年37歲的麥可,看起來已經完全不一樣了,他開始化妝還有戴假髮。一位友人也曾經問過他,為什麼要改變他的外型,他說:「我不想長得像我爸爸。」

1995: Jackson, 37, is extremely pale thanks to frequent skin bleaching by a dermatologist and heavy use of make-up. He has also started to wear wigs. His friend, illusionist Uri Geller, asked why he was changing his appearance. Geller says he replied: ‘I don’t want to look like my father.’ By now Michael was married to Elvis’s daughter Lisa Marie Presley. They separated the following year

6. 2002年,他必須要以膠帶貼著自己的鼻子,可能是以防手術後的液體流出。

2002: He has taped his nose, apparently to stop fluid from botched surgery from leaking into his mouth. He wore the tape at all times during this period. Leading rhinoplasty surgeon Dr Pamela Lipkin said: ‘I think something in his nose, a graft, an implant, has now come out through the skin and that’s why he’s probably got a hole in his skin. He has what we call an end-stage nose, one that’s beyond the point of no return'

7. 2003年,他看起來更為女性化,但也對外聲稱自己只有動過鼻子的手術,讓他可以達到比較高的音。

2003: Looking more feminine shortly after the birth of his third child, Blanket. In a controversial documentary made by Martin Bashir, he claimed: ‘I’ve had no plastic surgery on my face, just my nose. It helped me breathe better so I can hit higher notes. I am telling you the honest truth, I didn’t do anything to my face.’ He also said he’d be happier on stage ‘wearing a mask’.

8. 2009年,50歲的麥可因為服用幫助睡眠的藥物,最後死於心臟驟停。

2009: Jackson, 50, was in debt to the tune of £350 million. He announced a surprise tour called This Is It. His friend Dr Allen Klein said: ‘It got to the point where his nose was far too thin. It didn’t look natural to me. I rebuilt it using fillers.’ He is missing part of his ear — the cartilage having been used to rebuild his face. He died of a cardiac arrest in June before the tour after being given drugs to help him sleep

9. 最後,還有人將麥可的外貌以電腦模擬的方式,來表現出,如果麥可都沒有經歷過手術,那他現在的外貌應該是這樣。

A computer-generated image of how Michael Jackson would have looked today without surgery

來源:Daily Mail

對於這位天王的外貌變形之路,一直都是眾說紛紜的,但可能也沒有絕對的說法。不過重點可能也不是他的外貌,而是他留下來給我們的好音樂才是最永遠流傳的。其實他有沒有整形我都超愛他的,還有尊敬他為這世界做的事情 (他總共捐出5億美金做善事)。



UPDATE:很多讀者似乎對這則新聞內的內容有質疑。麥克傑克遜的多次整形有被他很接近的人證實,他的前經紀人Frank DiLeo死後有關麥克傑克遜的日記和錄音帶露出,裡面有確切指出麥克傑克遜當時迷上了整形,因為他不想要看起來跟他的父親有任何一絲絲的相似。詳細資料來源請看:連結。另外書裡還有記錄黑道曾經在1980年代計畫要刺殺麥克傑克遜,但Dileo最後利用他的影響力讓黑道放棄於先刺殺計畫。


1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Jackson’s_health_and_appearance
2. – Michael Jackson的前經紀人DiLeo死後的日記和錄音帶將被記錄成一本書:“DiLeo: I Am Going to Set the Record Straight,”,裡面記載並且證實了當時麥克迷上了整形。
3. http://www.news.com.au/entertainment/books-magazines/michael-jackson-had-plastic-surgery-to-not-look-like-his-father/story-fna50uae-1227212565510

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